Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Hinduism And Buddhism - 1909 Words
Maryann Lyons Summer 2015 homework A: Hinduism and Buddhism Reflection Answers: 1. I believe that people aren t allowed to leave the caste they are born into because in this religion, they believe that all of your sins and good deeds from your former life are added up to place you in a caste for this life. So, with that being said, if someone leaves their caste it would be considered unfair. 2. In my opinion, Hinduism values religion more than money and nobility. They have a high pedestal for their priests because they are not only impacting nobles but every caste. All in all, Gods are number one in their lives. Buddhism Reflection Answers: 1. The Eight-Fold Path is difficult to grasp because it revolves around finding true reality. This is hard to understand because I don’t get how you would know when you found true reality; aren t we in reality now? Also it is hard to understand that the Eight-Fold Path is the path of becoming right/ perfect. How can any human being become perfect, I find it hard to believe that anyone can be rid of all flaws completely. 2. I believe that most parts of Buddhism will apply to Siddhartha. Mainly the Eight-Fold Path because Siddhartha is on a journey to break all wants, needs, and connections with the world. Also, I believe that the Four Noble Truths will apply because Siddhartha is trying to find himself and inner peace. B: Vocabulary 1: Ascetic: One who leads a life of self-denial; one whoShow MoreRelatedHinduism, Hinduism And Buddhism1205 Words  | 5 Pagesafterlife has become a controversial subject across many religions. Religions such as Hinduism and Buddhism have provided a multitude of similar and different analysis behind their specific beliefs and practices. Similar to many religions practiced around the world, Hinduism portrays a great amount of belief in worshipping gods that they believe play a special role in their history. Though when speaking of Hinduism, I should mention that it does not consist of a single, dominant religion. It is aRead MoreHinduism : Buddhism And Hinduism1045 Words  | 5 PagesSoutheast Asia, particularly India, is the birthplace of many religions. India is where these two religions arose: Buddhism and Hinduism. Hinduism is a very ancient belief system derived from the lifestyle of Southeast Asia. It still has a strong presence in its place of origin and it is characterized as a family of religions. An offspring of Hinduism, Buddhism is also a family of religions, except it has less of a strong presence in its place of birth. Yet, situated to the East area of the worldRead MoreHinduism And Buddhism And Hinduism1641 Words  | 7 PagesSo far we’ve learned about Hinduism and Buddhism in India two of the most common religions found in India. One of the many things about learning about different culture is the religion that is come with. Religion is one of the many things that are unique to each and every culture. Religion views are what make a group of individuals come together and form a community. In core 7 we are learning about Hinduism and Buddhism learning about India and their religion views has helped me see the world inRead MoreHinduism And Buddhism And Hinduism1276 Words  | 6 PagesOut of the worlds many beliefs and religions, Buddhism and Hinduism make of about 20% of them (The Future of World Religions: Population Growth Projections, 2010-2050). Hinduism and Buddhism are the most influential and popular in the eastern hemisphere, mostly in and around the Asian continent. These two religions have similar ideologies. So much so that many say that Buddhism is an appendage of Hinduism. Such religions have different religious structures, which allow broader interpr etations toRead MoreHinduism And Buddhism : Buddhism942 Words  | 4 Pages Hinduism and Buddhism Park University Desmond Hutchinson RE307 â€Æ' Abstract Both Hinduism and Buddhism originated in India a very different world and origin than the other main religions. What is now called Hinduism began in India around 2000 years before the birth of Jesus Christ. Minorities in religion Hinduism and Buddhism are still well known and are growing in its followers from all over the world not just limited to the traditional geographical locations. Hinduism and Buddhism are differentRead MoreBuddhism, Hinduism, And Hinduism1817 Words  | 8 Pagespracticed today. Most of these religions are based off the belief in a god, or have a moral code that they need to follow in order to appease their god or achieve salvation in the afterlife. Three religions that will be highlighted here are Buddhism, Sikhism, and Hinduism. In each of these three religions, they all share some religious tenets, or beliefs, that is universally accepted amongst all religions around the world and throughout history. Some of these tenets include the belief in a god or a SupremeRead MoreBuddhism Vs Hinduism : Hinduism1573 Words  | 7 PagesBuddhism vs Hinduism Hinduism and Buddhism are two religions that are very open and tolerant of all people. They are religons that believe in acceptance of all and open-mindedness of other religons. Hinduism is the oldest religion on the planet that has been well established and still has a large following. To put it into perspective if religons were under 100 years old Hinduism would be 80 and Judaism and Christianity would still be in their 20s or 30s. Buddhism is also a long-standing religionRead MoreBuddhism and Hinduism881 Words  | 3 PagesSome awesome title I make Buddhism and Hinduism are two of the most philosophical religions around the world. Both religions stem from India before the Common Era and hold ranks as being one of the top five main religions around the world, therefore, having similar origins and philosophies. Hinduism places third as an organized religion and is much older than Buddhism. Hinduism and Buddhism have lasted for centuries and today is widely practiced among the world. Hinduism is considered to be monotheisticRead MoreHinduism and Buddhism976 Words  | 4 Pages Buddhism and Hinduism are two of the world’s most influential and greatest religions. Buddhism is a religion based on the teachings of the awakened one (Abrams), and Hinduism is the oldest of the world’s greatest religions (Rice). Both of these religions arose in South Asia, thus they share similar culture and philosophy; however, they also contrast greatly with each other in many other aspects. By comparing the rituals of worship of the two religions it is proven that Hinduism worships variousRead MoreBuddhism Vs Hinduism : Hinduism1773 Words  | 8 Pages05 Taylor Winchester Professor Warber HST 203 October 24, 2015 Buddhism vs. Hinduism According to the book, The Religion of the Hindus, Hinduism is the third oldest world religion that has approximately 300 million followers, most of which live in India. The holy language of Hinduism is the Sanskrit language. Hinduism is considered a religion versus a philosophy. There is no specific founder for Hinduism; however, it is closely related the customs and manner of Hindus, making it rather
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