Wednesday, August 26, 2020
My Personal Journey Essay -- Personal Narrative Writing
Excursions are minutes in life that characterize and remake the legends we make about ourselves as well as other people. Very regularly the goals of a one-sided network or select gathering are seen as the model by which all people must follow. To get away from the weights of an aggregate standard an individual must go outside the limitations of a network and find their own actual personality. On such an excursion one can anticipate snapshots of arranged reflection or sudden cases of disclosure. An excursion is each moment of my reality, as I travel through life and attempt to determine my own essence in its cycle. A fundamental excursion happened three years prior when I set out on an individual journey. I needed to re-venture to every part of the course of events of the previous scarcely any years and find where I had permitted the impact of others to decide my own idea of self. Self isn't really mind boggling or complex, however it characterizes the character of an individual and how the individual in question needs to be seen. In my own hurry to fit in at school I had ignored what I required and carelessly acknowledged the meanings of others. I used my vitality attempting to show myself as per the thought of my friends, at the same time overlooking standards which I felt were natural to my endurance. When the missing sentiment of peculiarity is found, an individual must set out upon a travel and recreate the thoughts of self and character. Understanding my own needs, I chose to set out on an independent campaign into the forested areas of Maine. The performance was a chance to disassociate myself from everything that I thought about agreeable and safe. For two evenings the main individual I experienced was myself. Following a few days of rowing, my guide and I approached the island where... ...d in an obscure encompassing and by one way or another I had become some portion of it. I invited the accident of a creature over my tent or the nearness of the sand insects. I ventured into their condition an outsider, and even in my most powerless phases of rest, I had become an acknowledged nearness. While on my independent I composed a letter to myself. In the letter I uncovered what I had realized and what it intended to understand my own quality and will in those couple of long periods of isolation. I gave the letter to my guide and requested that he send it to me in a year. I recall the day the letter came. From the start I didn't perceive the blurred words on the envelope, however when I looked at the arrival address I realized that they were my own. I by and by looked for isolation. In a little corner of my family's bloom garden I opened the letter and started perusing. The primary words I read were recollect the Medicine Wheel.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Survey of World History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1
Overview of World History - Essay Example In this paper, we are going to think about, the diverse social experiences that occurred in different districts of the world from the 1800’s up to today. This paper would look at the main wars that occurred, the de-colonization of Africa, the Cold War and Japan’s opening to the outside world. One of the fundamental wars that happened because of military clash was the â€Å"Vietnam War†which occurred between Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia from 1959, (Bernard Fall, 1958) which reached a conclusion just in 1975. The starting points of the Vietnam War occurred between the 1940’s and 1950’s with patriots bunches like the Ho Chi Minh’s ‘Viet Minh’ battling contrary to pioneer rule. This war occurred between the socialists and the partners of North Vietnam against the South Vietnam government which was upheld by the United States and other part countries of the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) (American Experience, 1983) (Encyclopedia Britannica) the main clash that prompted the war was North Vietnam’s want to bring together the entire nation and bring it under the Communist system. Then again, the legislature of South Vietnam combat to safeguard Vietnam on the lines of the West. In the 1950’s a decent number of military counselors presented battle units that were prepared and positioned in Vietnam. The Vietnam War was one of the most exceedingly awful wars in history pulverizing both life and property and raising the cost of losses to around 2 million regular folks, 1.1 million from north Vietnam, around 200,000 from the U.S. military powers and from south Vietnam the loss of life was around 250,000 fighters. In spite of the fact that Vietnam had risen a perceived military force when the war finished, yet the scars of the war had not left them on the grounds that their business, ventures and farming endured a lot because of the field been annihilated via land mines, bombs and overwhelming defoliation. The social essence of Vietnam was destroyed by this shocking war. The result of the
Friday, August 14, 2020
Y U NO HAVE ROLLERCOASTER If you werent aware, REX (Residence EXploration) is going to be in full swing soon, and for East Campus, that means lots and lots of stuff in the courtyard, which temporarily becomes a sprawling playground of 2x4s. (Well see how it weathers Hurricane Irene we survived the tail end of a hurricane last year unscathed, but it was much weaker.) For the record, the current weather is gorgeous. This year, its all a bit less glorious, because the city of Cambridge decreed, for the first time, that EC had to get a licensed structural engineer to sign off all of its construction plans in order to obtain Cambridge building permits. Which probably would have been trivial, given the sheer quantity of engineers who have graduated from MIT, if EC had been notified about this more than two days before rush, despite the fact that rush chairs had been planning and working with MITs environmental health and safety department over a month in advance, as they do every year. So some very quick workarounds had to be made. There is still a structure that rolls and coasts, although its just a cart racing track, not a roller coaster. The outdoor lounge is only one story tall instead of two. The traditional merry-go-round is bigger and more solid than last years. There is a see-saw that goes, like, ten feet in the air and has seat belts that I suspect are from actual cars. via This whole construction permit situation is all very ironic and sad, given that East Campus is arguably the organization in Cambridge most qualified to safely construct a roller coaster in less than a week, and that no one has mentioned anything about permits in the last decade or so weve been doing it. But it cant be helped. At least the modified construction projects are coming together nicely now, and you can be damn sure theres going to be an epic roller coaster next year. Oh, and this. Post Tagged #East Campus #REX
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Certificado para demostrar ciudadanÃÂa estadounidense
El certificado de ciudadanà a estadounidense es un documento emitido por el gobierno de Estados Unidos que sirve para acreditar que una persona tiene la nacionalidad estadounidense. Su nombre en inglà ©s es Certificate of Citizenship. Certificado de ciudadanà a estadounidense El certificado de ciudadanà a es un documento que se puede utilizar para acreditar la nacionalidad de EE.UU. en los siguientes casos:Estadounidenses nacidos en otro paà s que adquieren la nacionalidad a travà ©s de padre/madre en momento de nacimientoNià ±os extranjeros adoptados por estadounidensesMenores de 18 aà ±os nacidos fuera de EE.UU. que se convierten en ciudadanos de forma derivada cuando uno de los padres se naturaliza y se cumplen todos los requisitos.Casos especiales para muchachos menores de 18 aà ±os a fecha de 27 de febrero de 2001 y se encontraban en EE.UU. como residentes permanentes.En todos los demà ¡s casos no incluidos en los tres anteriores los ciudadanos estadounidenses pueden acreditar su condicià ³n por medio de otros documentos.  ¿Quià ©nes pueden solicitar el Certificado de ciudadanà a? Pueden solicitar este certificacià ³n las personas que recaen en una de las categorà as siguientes: En primer lugar, las personas que nacen en otro paà s y son ciudadanos americanos a travà ©s de padre o madre desde el momento de su nacimiento. Cabe destacar que la ley actual contempla requisitos diferentes si el progenitor americano es el padre o la madre o si son solteros o casados. La ley actual aplica a las personas nacidas despuà ©s del 17 de noviembre de 1986. Para las nacidas con anterioridad a esa fecha deberà ¡n comprobar la ley que se aplicaba en el momento de su nacimiento. En segundo lugar, los nacidos fuera de Estados Unidos y que adquieren la ciudadanà a de forma derivada por sus padres en algà ºn momento despuà ©s de su nacimiento y antes de cumplir los 18 aà ±os de edad. Hay que tener en cuenta que si el que se naturaliza es el padre, los hijos han de ser legà timos o ser legitimados antes de que los menores cumplan los 16 aà ±os y ademà ¡s tienen que vivir con el padre que los legitima. Ademà ¡s, es requisito imprescindible que los menores tengan su propia tarjeta de residencia permanente y residan habitualmente en EE.UU. con el padre o la madre que se naturaliza. En otras palabras, si el menor de 18 aà ±os reside fuera de los EE.UU. o, residiendo en el paà s, no tiene su propia green card, no adquiere de forma automà ¡tica la nacionalidad estadounidense cuando su padre o madre se naturaliza. Tampoco la adquiere si no convive con el progenitor que se naturaliza. En tercer lugar, los adoptados por un ciudadano estadounidense. Los nacidos fuera de Estados Unidos que son adoptados por un ciudadano y que entran al paà s como un IR-3 adquieren automà ¡ticamente la ciudadanà a. En el caso de que la adopcià ³n no fuera final, deberà ¡ esperar a que à ©sta se produzca. Estas personas tambià ©n pueden acreditar su nueva nacionalidad con este certificado. Y en cuarto lugar, los casos especiales de los extranjeros que eran menores de 18 aà ±os antes del 27 de febrero de 2001 y que vivà an en Estados Unidos como residentes permanentes legales pueden tambià ©n solicitar un certificado de ciudadanà a si: Antes de esa fecha ambos padres se naturalizarono en el caso de viudedad lo hizo el padre sobrevivienteo en los casos de separacià ³n o divorcio o semejantes solo uno de los padres tenà a la guardia y custodia sobre el menor y à ©ste es el progenitor que se naturalizà ³. Los ciudadanos estadounidenses no incluidos en los casos anteriormente expuestos pueden acreditar su nacionalidad mediante otros documentos como, por ejemplo, el pasaporte de EE.UU., el certificado de nacimiento o el de naturalizacià ³n, el Reporte Consular de Nacimiento en el Exterior, etc. Trà ¡mites para pedir el certificado de ciudadanà a Como regla general y salvo la excepcià ³n que se especifica en este artà culo mà ¡s abajo, debe llenarse la planilla a rellenar es la N-600 para solicitar el certificado de ciudadanà a. Es importante resaltar que se puede completar esta planilla en cualquier momento, incluso despuà ©s de cumplir los 18 aà ±os. Lo importante es que los requisitos se cumplà an todos antes de cumplir esos aà ±os. Si se solicita el certificado de ciudadanà a para un menor, puede hacerlo a su nombre el padre o madre o guardià ¡n legal que tenga la guardia y custodia legal y fà sica del nià ±o o nià ±a. No pueden rellenar la planilla N-600 las personas que se encuentren en una de las siguientes situaciones: los hijastros de ciudadanos americanos, para los que sà se puede solicitar una tarjeta de residencia.Tampoco pueden solicitar este certificado los hijos no reconocidos como legà timos por su padre ciudadano antes de cumplir los 16 aà ±os de edad. Ni las personas que han llenado previamente este formulario y el USCIS ya se ha pronunciado. Asimismo tener en cuenta que en el caso de hijos de ciudadanos que residen habitualmente fuera de los Estados Unidos el formulario a llenar es el N-600K. Ademà ¡s,tanto si corresponde el N-600 como el N-600K debe incluirse una serie de documentacià ³n para acreditar la ciudadanà a y la causa por la que se adquirià ³. Verificar el listado de todos la papelerà a que es necesaria y prestar atencià ³n ya que los requisitos varà an segà ºn la causa por la que se alega que se es ciudadano. El arancel a pagar es de $1.170 y es gratis para miembro en activo o veteranos del Ejà ©rcito. Se puede pagar mediante money order o cheque pagadero al U.S. Department of Homeland Security. Nunca utilizar abreviaciones y se deben observar todas las reglas necesarias para completar las planillas de inmigracià ³n. Por à ºltimo, el formulario firmado y la documentacià ³n adjunta debe enviarse por correo ordinario a: USCISP.O.Box 20100Phoenix, AZ 85036 Sin embargo, si se utiliza el servicio de correo exprà ©s, la direccià ³n es la siguiente: USCISAttn: Form N-6001820 E. Skyharbor Circle SSuite 100Phoenix, AZ 85034 En la actualidad es posible llenar este formulario online en la pà ¡gina oficial de USCIS. Quà © hacer si el certificado de ciudadanà a se extravà a, se daà ±a o es robado En estos casos se puede solicitar uno de reemplazo. Para ello completar el formulario N-565 y enviarlo al USCIS con la documentacià ³n de apoyo y el pago de la cuota correspondiente. Tips sobre la ciudadanà a estadounidense La ciudadanà a americana brinda, sin duda, excelentes ventajas e incluso derechos mà ¡s importantes que ser simplemente residente permanente. Pero no olvidar que tambià ©n conlleva obligaciones, como por ejemplo el Servicio Selectivo para el caso de varones jà ³venes. Por à ºltimo, aunque Estados Unidos admite las situaciones de doble nacionalidad, informarse sobre las causas que pueden dar lugar a que se pierda la ciudadanà a o que à ©sta pueda ser revocada. Este es un artà culo informativo. No es asesorà a legal para ningà ºn caso concreto.
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Hinduism And Buddhism - 1909 Words
Maryann Lyons Summer 2015 homework A: Hinduism and Buddhism Reflection Answers: 1. I believe that people aren t allowed to leave the caste they are born into because in this religion, they believe that all of your sins and good deeds from your former life are added up to place you in a caste for this life. So, with that being said, if someone leaves their caste it would be considered unfair. 2. In my opinion, Hinduism values religion more than money and nobility. They have a high pedestal for their priests because they are not only impacting nobles but every caste. All in all, Gods are number one in their lives. Buddhism Reflection Answers: 1. The Eight-Fold Path is difficult to grasp because it revolves around finding true reality. This is hard to understand because I don’t get how you would know when you found true reality; aren t we in reality now? Also it is hard to understand that the Eight-Fold Path is the path of becoming right/ perfect. How can any human being become perfect, I find it hard to believe that anyone can be rid of all flaws completely. 2. I believe that most parts of Buddhism will apply to Siddhartha. Mainly the Eight-Fold Path because Siddhartha is on a journey to break all wants, needs, and connections with the world. Also, I believe that the Four Noble Truths will apply because Siddhartha is trying to find himself and inner peace. B: Vocabulary 1: Ascetic: One who leads a life of self-denial; one whoShow MoreRelatedHinduism, Hinduism And Buddhism1205 Words  | 5 Pagesafterlife has become a controversial subject across many religions. Religions such as Hinduism and Buddhism have provided a multitude of similar and different analysis behind their specific beliefs and practices. Similar to many religions practiced around the world, Hinduism portrays a great amount of belief in worshipping gods that they believe play a special role in their history. Though when speaking of Hinduism, I should mention that it does not consist of a single, dominant religion. It is aRead MoreHinduism : Buddhism And Hinduism1045 Words  | 5 PagesSoutheast Asia, particularly India, is the birthplace of many religions. India is where these two religions arose: Buddhism and Hinduism. Hinduism is a very ancient belief system derived from the lifestyle of Southeast Asia. It still has a strong presence in its place of origin and it is characterized as a family of religions. An offspring of Hinduism, Buddhism is also a family of religions, except it has less of a strong presence in its place of birth. Yet, situated to the East area of the worldRead MoreHinduism And Buddhism And Hinduism1641 Words  | 7 PagesSo far we’ve learned about Hinduism and Buddhism in India two of the most common religions found in India. One of the many things about learning about different culture is the religion that is come with. Religion is one of the many things that are unique to each and every culture. Religion views are what make a group of individuals come together and form a community. In core 7 we are learning about Hinduism and Buddhism learning about India and their religion views has helped me see the world inRead MoreHinduism And Buddhism And Hinduism1276 Words  | 6 PagesOut of the worlds many beliefs and religions, Buddhism and Hinduism make of about 20% of them (The Future of World Religions: Population Growth Projections, 2010-2050). Hinduism and Buddhism are the most influential and popular in the eastern hemisphere, mostly in and around the Asian continent. These two religions have similar ideologies. So much so that many say that Buddhism is an appendage of Hinduism. Such religions have different religious structures, which allow broader interpr etations toRead MoreHinduism And Buddhism : Buddhism942 Words  | 4 Pages Hinduism and Buddhism Park University Desmond Hutchinson RE307 â€Æ' Abstract Both Hinduism and Buddhism originated in India a very different world and origin than the other main religions. What is now called Hinduism began in India around 2000 years before the birth of Jesus Christ. Minorities in religion Hinduism and Buddhism are still well known and are growing in its followers from all over the world not just limited to the traditional geographical locations. Hinduism and Buddhism are differentRead MoreBuddhism, Hinduism, And Hinduism1817 Words  | 8 Pagespracticed today. Most of these religions are based off the belief in a god, or have a moral code that they need to follow in order to appease their god or achieve salvation in the afterlife. Three religions that will be highlighted here are Buddhism, Sikhism, and Hinduism. In each of these three religions, they all share some religious tenets, or beliefs, that is universally accepted amongst all religions around the world and throughout history. Some of these tenets include the belief in a god or a SupremeRead MoreBuddhism Vs Hinduism : Hinduism1573 Words  | 7 PagesBuddhism vs Hinduism Hinduism and Buddhism are two religions that are very open and tolerant of all people. They are religons that believe in acceptance of all and open-mindedness of other religons. Hinduism is the oldest religion on the planet that has been well established and still has a large following. To put it into perspective if religons were under 100 years old Hinduism would be 80 and Judaism and Christianity would still be in their 20s or 30s. Buddhism is also a long-standing religionRead MoreBuddhism and Hinduism881 Words  | 3 PagesSome awesome title I make Buddhism and Hinduism are two of the most philosophical religions around the world. Both religions stem from India before the Common Era and hold ranks as being one of the top five main religions around the world, therefore, having similar origins and philosophies. Hinduism places third as an organized religion and is much older than Buddhism. Hinduism and Buddhism have lasted for centuries and today is widely practiced among the world. Hinduism is considered to be monotheisticRead MoreHinduism and Buddhism976 Words  | 4 Pages Buddhism and Hinduism are two of the world’s most influential and greatest religions. Buddhism is a religion based on the teachings of the awakened one (Abrams), and Hinduism is the oldest of the world’s greatest religions (Rice). Both of these religions arose in South Asia, thus they share similar culture and philosophy; however, they also contrast greatly with each other in many other aspects. By comparing the rituals of worship of the two religions it is proven that Hinduism worships variousRead MoreBuddhism Vs Hinduism : Hinduism1773 Words  | 8 Pages05 Taylor Winchester Professor Warber HST 203 October 24, 2015 Buddhism vs. Hinduism According to the book, The Religion of the Hindus, Hinduism is the third oldest world religion that has approximately 300 million followers, most of which live in India. The holy language of Hinduism is the Sanskrit language. Hinduism is considered a religion versus a philosophy. There is no specific founder for Hinduism; however, it is closely related the customs and manner of Hindus, making it rather
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Swot Analysis for Coke Free Essays
Strengths Weaknesses/Limitations, Opportunities, and Threats involved in the business Coca Cola SWOT ANALYSIS The Coca-Cola Company (Coca-Cola) is a leading manufacturer, distributor and marketer of Non-alcoholic beverage concentrates and syrups, in the world. Coca-Cola has a strong brandname and brand portfolio. Business-Week and Interbrand, a branding consultancy, recognizeCoca-Cola as one of the leading brands in their top 100 global brands ranking in 2006. We will write a custom essay sample on Swot Analysis for Coke or any similar topic only for you Order Now TheBusiness Week-Interbred valued Coca-Cola at $67,000 million in 2006. Coca-Cola ranks wellahead of its close competitor Pepsi which has a ranking of 22 having a brand value of $12,690million The Company’s strong brand value facilitates customer recall and allows Coca-Cola topenetrate markets. However, the company is threatened by intense competition which could havean adverse impact on the company’s market share. Strengths Weaknesses World’s leading brand Large scale of operations Robust revenue growth in three segment Negative publicity Sluggish performance in North America Decline in cash from operating activities Opportunities Threats Acquisitions Intense competition Growing bottled water market Growing Hispanic population in USIntense competition. Dependence on bottling partners Sluggish growth of carbonated beverages Strengths World’s leading brand Coca-Cola has strong brand recognition across the globe. The company has a leading brand value and a strong brand portfolio. Business-Week and Interbrand, a branding consultancy, recognize. Coca-Cola as one of the leading brands in their top 100 global brands ranking in2006. The Business Week-Interbrand valued Coca-Cola at $67,000 million in 2006. Coca-Colaranks well ahead of its close competitor Pepsi which has a ranking of 22 having a brand value of $12,690 million Furthermore, Coca-Cola owns a large portfolio of product brands. The company owns four of the top five soft drink brands in the world: Coca-Cola, Diet Coke, Sprite and Fanta. Strong brands allow the company to introduce brand extensions such as Vanilla Coke, CherryCoke and Coke with Lemon. Over the years, the company has made large investments in brand promotions. Consequently, Coca-cola is one of the best recognized global brands. The company’s strong brand value facilitates customer recall and allows Coca-Cola to penetrate new markets and consolidate existing ones. Strengths World’s leading brand Coca-Cola has strong brand recognition across the globe. The company has a leading brandvalue and a strong brand portfolio. Business-Week and Interbrand, a branding consultancy,recognize. Coca-Cola as one of the leading brands in their top 100 global brands ranking in2006. The Business Week-Interbrand valued Coca-Cola at $67,000 million in 2006. Coca-Colaranks well ahead of its close competitor Pepsi which has a ranking of 22 having a brand value of $12,690 million Furthermore, Coca-Cola owns a large portfolio of product brands. The companyowns four of the top five soft drink brands in the world: Coca-Cola, Diet Coke, Sprite and Fanta. Strong brands allow the company to introduce brand extensions such as Vanilla Coke, CherryCoke and Coke with Lemon. Over the years, the company has made large investments in brandpromotions. Consequently, Coca-cola is one of the best recognized global brands. Thecompany’s strong brand value facilitates customer recall and allows Coca-Cola to penetrate newmarkets and consolidate existing ones. Coca-Cola Company, The SWOT Analysis Large scale of operations With revenues in excess of $24 billion Coca-Cola has a large scale of operation. Coca-Cola is the largest manufacturer, distributor and marketer of nonalcoholic beverage concentrates and syrups in the world. Coco-Cola is selling trademarked beverage products since the year 1886 in the US. The company currently sells its products in more than 200 countries. Of the approximately 52billion beverage servings of all types consumed worldwide every day, beverages bearingtrademarks owned by or licensed to Coca-Cola account for more than 1. 4 billion. The company’s operations are supported by a strong infrastructure across the world. Coca-Cola owns and operates 32 principal beverage concentrates and/or syrup manufacturing plantslocatedthroughout the world. In addition, it owns or has interest in 37 operations with 95 principalbeverage bottling and canning plants located outside the US. The company also owns bottledwater production and still beverage facilities as well as a facility that manufactures juiceconcentrates. The company’s large scale of operation allows it to feed upcoming markets withrelative ease and enhances its revenue generation capacity. Robust revenue growth in three segments Coca-cola’s revenues recorded a double digit growth, in three operating segments. These threesegments are Latin America, ‘East, South Asia, and Pacific Rim’ and Bottling investments. Revenues from Latin America grew by 20. % during fiscal 2006, over 2005. During the sameperiod, revenues from ‘East, South Asia, and Pacific Rim’ grew by 10. 6% while revenues from thebottling investments segment by 19. 9%. Together, the three segments of Latin America, ‘East,South Asia, and Pacific Rim’ and bottling investments, accounted for 34. 8% of tot al revenuesduring fiscal 2006. Robust revenues growth rates in these segments contributed to top-linegrowth for Coca-Cola during 2006. Weaknesses Negative publicity The company received negative publicity in India during September 2006. The company wasaccused by the Center for Science and Environment (CSE) of selling products containingpesticide residues. Coca-Cola products sold in and around the Indian national capital regioncontained a hazardous pesticide residue. These pesticides included chemicals which couldcause cancers, damage the nervous and reproductive systems and reduce bone mineral density. Such negative publicity could adversely impact the company’s brand image and the demand for Coca-Cola products. This could also have an adverse impact on the company’s growth prospectsin the international markets. Sluggish performance in North America Coca-Cola’s performance in North America was far from robust. North America is Coca-Cola’score market generating about 30% of total revenues during fiscal 2006. Therefore, a strongperformance in North America is important for the company. Coca-Cola Company, The SWOT AnalysisIn North America the sale of unit cases did not record any growth. Unit case retail volume inNorth America decreased 1% primarily due to weak sparkling beverage trends in the second half of 2006 and decline in the warehouse-delivered water and juice businesses. Moreover, thecompany also expects performance in North America to be weak during 2007. Sluggish performance in North America could impact the company’s future growth prospects andprevent Coca-Cola from recording a more robust top-line growth. Decline in cash from operating activities The company’s cash flow from operating activities declined during fiscal 2006. Cash flows fromoperating activities decreased 7% in 2006 compared to 2005. Net cash provided by operatingactivities reached $5,957 million in 2006, from $6,423 million in 2005. Coca-Cola’s cash flowsfrom operating activities in 2006 also decreased compared with 2005 as a result of a contributionof approximately $216 million to a tax-qualified trust to fund retiree medical benefits. Thedecrease was also the result of certain marketing accruals recorded in 2005. Decline in cash from operating activities reduces availability of funds for the company’s investingand financing activities, which, in turn, increases the company’s exposure to debt markets andfluctuating interest rates. Opportunities Acquisitions For the last one year, Coca-Cola has been aggressively adopting the inorganic growth path. During 2006, its acquisitions included Kerry Beverages, (KBL), which was subsequently,reappointed Coca-Cola China Industries (CCCIL). Coca-Cola acquired a controlling shareholdingin KBL, its bottling joint venture with the Kerry Group, in Hong Kong. The acquisition extendedCoca-Cola’s control over manufacturing and distribution joint ventures in nine Chinese provinces. In Germany the company acquired Apollinaris which sells sparkling and still mineral water inGermany. Coca-Cola has also acquired a 100% interest in TJC Holdings, a bottling company inSouth Africa. Coca-Cola also made acquisitions in Australia and New Zealand during 2006. These acquisitions strengthened Coca-Cola’s international operations. These also give Coca-Cola an opportunity for growth, through new product launch or greater penetration of existingmarkets. Stronger international operations increase the company’s capacity to penetrate internationalmarkets and also gives it an opportunity to diversity its revenue stream. Coca-Cola Company, The SWOT Analysis Growing bottled water market Bottled water is one of the fastest-growing segments in the world’s food and beverage marketowing to increasing health concerns. The market for bottled water in the US generated revenuesof about $15. 6 billion in 2006. Market consumption volumes were estimated to be 30 billion litersin 2006. The market’s consumption volume is expected to rise to 38. 6 billion units by the end of 2010. This represents a CAGR of 6. 9% during 2005-2010. In terms of value, the bottled water market is forecast to reach $19. 3 billion by the end of 2010. In the bottled water market, therevenue of flavored water (water-based, slightly sweetened refreshment drink) segment isgrowing by about $10 billion annually. The company’s Dasani brand water is the third best-sellingbottled water in the US. Coca-Cola could leverage its strong position in the bottled water segment to take advantage of growing demand for flavored water. Growing Hispanic population in US How to cite Swot Analysis for Coke, Essay examples
Monday, May 4, 2020
The film SUPERMAN Essay Example For Students
The film SUPERMAN Essay SMALLVILLE (2001 to present day) tell the story of the character Clark Kent, who becomes the super hero Superman. Superman tells the story of his life in Metropolis, and Smallville charts his early life as a teenager, in Smallville, Kansas. Although about the same person, these two texts are very different and this essay will explore these differences through media, genre and music. The medium used in Superman is film, this film was aided greatly by some huge advances in the film industry at the time. At this point in the 1970s, televisions were widely available and most families had one and because of this, what was on in the cinemas, had to compete with what was on TV. Dolby sound had just been perfected so there was now no background noise on the film and improved sound quality. The new Panavision allowed the use of a windscreen shot. This feature helped create the huge cityscape, for Superman to fly in. Also new special effects used in such films as Star Wars, paved the way for special effects-rich films. All these new advances in technology helped the film Superman to be created. Unlike the film, the medium of Smallville is television. Specifically in the early to mid 1990s, when it was realised that the teen culture or as some people put it, the MTV generation, had a lot of spending power, they became the target audience for new teen TV shows. Corporations used intertextual references heavily in these teen TV programmes. This is where a product or products are used in the show, to give more exposure to the product. For example, a song could be playing in the background of an episode, which is aired a week before the single is released, or a character could be wearing a certain brand of shirt which is popular at that moment. All these techniques are used in Smallville. The media of Smallville affected the genre, as with Superman, film allowed its genre to be that of an action film. To be more specific, it is science fiction action film, which was popular at the time, with films such as Star Wars. A film such as Superman could have a huge fan base because although its main themes were action orientated, there were also elements of comedy and romance in the film. Because of this the film in its entirety could attract a larger audience. The genre also reflects the origins of Superman. Superman first came about, in the form of a comic book in the 1930s, a period also known as The Great Depression. This was when there were little or no jobs for unskilled workers in America and a comic book hero like Superman allowed people to escape from this bad time in their lives. The same arose during the 1970s, when America again was going through a tough time, like the Vietnam war, a film like Superman, helped people to forget what life was like outside the screen, and Superman, the saviour of all, became a hero in peoples hearts. Unlike the Superman, the genre of Smallville, is a teen melodrama, a genre that arose as part of the new Teen TV generation. A melodrama is a show that is driven by music, which uses music to show the characters emotions. This new form of melodrama has created new characters in lead roles, previously the lead female role had little or no major role. Now we see the generation with intelligent lead roles for women, such as Chloe in Smallville, who is adventurous and audacious. This reflects the role of Margot Kidders Lois Lane, in Superman, who in some cases seems even stronger than Superman. Also, there was the introduction of non-threatening sensitive lead males, such as Clark Kent in Smallville. Because of both lead male and female roles, Smallville has wider appeal to both male and female, with a sensitive male character, and a pretty, but independent female character. These changes to the teen TV create a larger viewing audience for shows. .ub81b551a504d1aedda958d1dc28a5c84 , .ub81b551a504d1aedda958d1dc28a5c84 .postImageUrl , .ub81b551a504d1aedda958d1dc28a5c84 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ub81b551a504d1aedda958d1dc28a5c84 , .ub81b551a504d1aedda958d1dc28a5c84:hover , .ub81b551a504d1aedda958d1dc28a5c84:visited , .ub81b551a504d1aedda958d1dc28a5c84:active { border:0!important; } .ub81b551a504d1aedda958d1dc28a5c84 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ub81b551a504d1aedda958d1dc28a5c84 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ub81b551a504d1aedda958d1dc28a5c84:active , .ub81b551a504d1aedda958d1dc28a5c84:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ub81b551a504d1aedda958d1dc28a5c84 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ub81b551a504d1aedda958d1dc28a5c84 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ub81b551a504d1aedda958d1dc28a5c84 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ub81b551a504d1aedda958d1dc28a5c84 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ub81b551a504d1aedda958d1dc28a5c84:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ub81b551a504d1aedda958d1dc28a5c84 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ub81b551a504d1aedda958d1dc28a5c84 .ub81b551a504d1aedda958d1dc28a5c84-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ub81b551a504d1aedda958d1dc28a5c84:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Human Emotion in Equilibrium EssayThe genre of Smallville affected the music in it, as with Superman. The signature tune of Superman The Superman March composed by John Williams, is played throughout the film, at moments such as the first time we see Superman, and all moments when Superman does something amazing, such as catching a plummeting helicopter in mid-air, this tune is very uplifting. The piece is a big orchestral number, which was composed especially for the film, and it has a very patriotic feel to it, which reflects with the desire for escapism from the events of the last decade. John Williams was also a renowned composer working on film such as Star Wars and The Deer Hunter; his music brought an extra bit of meaning to the film. The music in Smallville is very different to the music in Superman. It contains songs in popular styles, to attract the younger audiences, as opposed to large orchestral pieces. This song this paragraph will focus on is the song entitled Superman by Five for Fighting which appears in the Smallville episode Stray. This song was not written especially for this episode of Smallville, in fact many songs have been written entitled or about Superman for example Superman by Goldfinger which talks about the pressures of life. Five for Fightings, song contains some very important lyrics in the chorus especially Im more than a bird, Im more than a plane refers to the classic slogan of Superman Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No its Superman The next line Im more than a pretty face beside a train refers to the moment in Superman when the young Clark Kent is running beside a train. The song listened to by itself is quite sad. Yet in the context of the show, it is placed when Clark is saying goodbye to a boy he has been looking after and has become quite attached to, in this context the music is quite uplifting, and echoes new beginnings and new hope. In conclusion, the two programmes differ so much, because of the period in which they were made. Superman reflects the moods of the 1970s and Smallville reflects the 1990s, when not only content, but also sub-content, makes a show.
Friday, March 27, 2020
Touro University International Essays (240 words) - Health
Touro University International James L. White ACC 501 Module 1, Session Long Project Dr. Paul R. Watkins INTRODUCTION The purpose of this report is to select an organization and write a short description of that organization and my relationship to it. Hopefully, by discussing this topic, I will give the reader some insight on my organization. I will conclude this report with a brief summary of the entire analysis, highlighting some of the most significant parts that the report contains. THE ORGANIZATION The organization I choose to discuss is my job as a military member; I train and mentor incoming Health Service Management Apprentices. My job involves training, medical billing, cost center management, medical terminology, military medical readiness, aero medical evacuation, medical health records, patient eligibility, Health Insurance Portability Accountability Act (HIPAA), Safety, customer service and Medical Expense and Performance Reporting System (MEPRS). I have been involved with this organization for 9 years. I spend lots of time doing administrative work (like writing lesson plans, test and performance checks) and after hours mentoring for recruits. I also have other details I must do along with my daily job, such as: security detail, funeral honors, safety monitor, physical training monitor, scheduling monitor, supply and equipment monitor. Conclusion Dealing with things in my organization like supply, equipment, cost center management, medical billing and MEPRS enables me to have contact with account reports and money matters. This will hopefully give me the needed information needed to clearly write on my organization for my session long projects.
Saturday, March 7, 2020
The Art of Effective Problem Solving
The Art of Effective Problem Solving Finding the best strategy to solve a problem depends on the problem itself. Often it is best if students were given an assignment that requires the implementation of their problem solving skills, that they learn all they can about the issue surrounding or even causing the problem. Problem solving is a highly regarded and much-needed skill in the working or business world – in fact, poor problem-solving practices can do much hard to business relationships and a business’ success. In other words, problem solving is a process of finding solutions to difficult issues. Students in the academy are often given problem-solving assignments to hone this particular skill set. The opportunities for problem solving are so ubiquitous, coming every day to most people, that many do it quite naturally – and yet very effectively. PROBLEM SOLVING SKILLS In either case, the term â€Å"problem solving†is a mental process that seeks to overcome obstacles – a problem, or a doubtful or difficult matter requiring a solution – by finding the best solution to that problem; it involves identifying a problem, then analyzing and solving that problem through what is known as the â€Å"Problem-Solving Cycle,†which includes the development of strategies and organization of thought and action. Problem Solving Cycle Finding the best strategy to solve a problem depends on the problem itself. Often it is best if students were given an assignment that requires the implementation of their problem-solving skills, that they first learn all they can about the issue surrounding or even causing the problem; then using that knowledge of the issue to assess the problem for possible solutions. Planning and structuring are critical in problem solving. Of course, in other instances, creativity, collaboration and sound judgment may serve the student best in problem-solving practices. All problems have two key features – a goal and a barrier. Without a barrier preventing one from reaching a goal, there would be no problem in the first place. And problem solving involves overcoming these barriers and obstacles that prevent the immediate achievement of these goals. Steps to Solving the Problem As mentioned above, there is a series of steps a student can follow to determine the most effective solution to their problem. Step 1. To solve a problem, a student must recognize that there is a problem, and define it. Although this seems an obvious step, it’s not always a simple task. It’s too easy to identify the wrong problem or even the wrong source of the problem, so the student must initially consider all possible problems. Step 2. The student should keenly search to identify the causes of the problem. Step 3. It is crucial that before the student brainstorms all possible solutions that contribute or create the problem, they should first organize all available information, and ask â€Å"What do I know about the problem? What do I not know?† Subsequently, choose the best solution to solve the problem. Step 4. The student has to implement or incorporate that solution to solve their particular problem. Step 5. The student must then evaluate and monitor the implementation of this solution – the results – to see if the problem has been solved. This stage of the problem-solving cycle involves determining if the process was successful, through monitoring any changes that occurred that might have led to the student achieving their goal in solving their problem. It may be best to keep a record of outcomes and additional problems that occurred using each solution. If the solution you think is right does not work, or if it does not solve the problem at hand, you will have to consider implementing other solutions and, therefore, complete the cycle again and again until the problem is ultimately solved. PROBLEM SOLVING STRATEGIES Need help with your problem-solving assignment? is happy to be your academic advisor. We have effectively helped hundreds of our customers worldwide and have developed considerable expertise in problem-solving assignments. Just email us your instructions, we will analyze them and will assign you a writing professional who is an expert in your field. We guarantee you a fully authentic, well-written and properly formatted paper at the end of our cooperation. You will be able to use this paper as a sample to work on your subsequent problem-solving assignments and you will want to come back to us for me professional services! is the service you can rely on! You can place your order right now.
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Israel 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Israel 2 - Essay Example â€Å"In contrast to these sources which presuppose that the Omrides were strong rulers over an autonomous kingdom and in hostile relations with the Yahwistic prophets, the stories of the three battles with Ben-haded and the Elisha stories presuppose quite a different situation. Both of these narrative groups†¦depict the king or kings of Israel as international weaklings, bullied by the Syrian kings of Samaria.†(Miller and Hayes, 262) Therefore, as pointed out by Miller and Hayes, the sources relating to the Omride kings disagree over the political power of the Omrides. Similarly, the authors argue that there are significant conflicts in the sources relating to the Omride kings as the sources disagree over the sequence of Syrian kings during the period of the Omrides. The information about the sequence of Syrian kings during the period of the Omrides conflicts â€Å"with the biblical stories of the three battles with Ben-haded as well as with the Elisha stories, if one assumes that these two narrative groups are in proper context. That is, if the stories of the three battles with Ben-haded actually pertain to the last years of Ahab and the Elisha stories actually pertain to Jehoram’s reign, then we have a Ben-haded on the throne of Syria followed by Hazel rather than a Hadadezer followed by Hazel.†(Miller and Hayes, 263) Miller and Hayes provide an important picture of Omri and Ahab in international politics/affairs in the famous book A History of Ancient Israel and Judah and they give convincing evidences to establish and support their picture. According to the authors, Israel reached the zenith of its glory during the rule of Omri and Ahab. The readers are not able to gather a great picture about Omri from the documents, although he is the earliest biblical characters to be mentioned in ancient non-biblical documents and also the first king
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Case Study Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 2
Case Study Report - Essay Example Multinational companies have realised that human resource management is important as it provides global strategies that would help in managing the workforce, thus gain success and a significant market share in foreign countries (Shah et al. 2012: 28). This paper will explore globalisation and internationalisation of business firms, the structures and strategies of multinational companies and how they influence human resource management. Globalisation is a concept that has been in existence for many years. Multinational corporations emerged as a result of globalisation. In order to ensure that their businesses run smoothly, multinational corporations have developed different strategies in line with their different structures. These strategies influence human resource management to carry out different activities regarding to the recruitment, selection, training and performance of the workforce. These strategies bring some benefits and limitations to the organisation. This paper will discuss the preceding issues relating to multinational corporations and human resource management (Barber and Alegre, 2010: 11). The term globalisation has different meanings in reference to different contexts, and in this situation it refers to the quick, uninterrupted inter-border flow of technology, services, money, information, goods, ideas, and cultures all over the globe. Through globalisation firms are able to operate in many countries, utilising local and foreign labour, capital and technology, marketing, management skills and therefore, becoming Multinational corporations. Firms internationalise to look for markets, exploit firm-specific advantages and to gain access to various factors of production, labour being a key factor. Multinational corporations utilise local and foreign work forces, therefore, require an effective human resource management that will successfully manage the workforce and ensure productivity. Multinational
Monday, January 27, 2020
Universal Diagnostic Criteria for Oral Lichen Planus
Universal Diagnostic Criteria for Oral Lichen Planus ABSTRACT: For years, dissentions and debates on the malignant transformation of oral lichen planus (OLP) have been sparked not only by a lack of an accurate diagnostic criteria but also due to the failure on our part in not following single universal one. In this short communication, we try to reiterate its importance, with a goal of making the clinicians and pathologists aware of its serious implications. Keywords: Oral lichen planus, oral lichenoid lesion, dysplasia BACKGROUND: The lack of a universal diagnostic criteria for the diagnosis of oral lichen planus (OLP) can be made accountable for the current scepticism and controversies over its malignant transformation. Van der meij et al have stressed for a need of a diagnostic criteria to be universally adopted for its firm diagnosis.1,2 A clinical and a histopathological definition of OLP was formulated by the WHO in 19783 (Table 1). Later, in 2003, van der Meij and van der Waal4, proposed a modification in the WHO criteria (Table 2), stating OLP diagnosis should be clinico-pathological. Results of Rad M et al’s4 study in 2009 showed higher clinicopathologic correlation in the diagnosis of OLP based on the modified criteria of OLP (van der Meij 2003) compared with the 1978 criteria. Studies in the past, and present have substantiated the malignant potential of OLP.6-9 So, now that we have evidence for its malignant transformation and a suitable criteria in hand, what could be the problem? 1978 WHO CRITERIA VS MODIFIED 2003 CRITERIA: There have been studies related to the malignant nature of OLP since 1924 by Williger et al. to a recent meta-analysis by Fitzpatrick SG et al8 in 2014. It has to be noted, that, over the years, the diagnostic criteria of OLP has undergone a number of significant changes. A criteria was agreed by WHO in 19783 and again modified in 2003 by van der Meij and van der Waal4. There are pathologists who still favour the 1978 criteria and others who follow the 2003 modified criteria. This difference in opinion among pathologists has a very significant bearing on the data collected in literature. What would have been an OLP to one pathologist following a particular criteria could seem to be an oral lichenoid lesion(OLL) to another following a different criteria. Let us consider the following hypothetical examples: Hypothetical scenario 1: Let us consider an OLP lesion clinically manifesting with white radiating striae unilaterally in the buccal mucosa. If the oral medicine and pathology specialists agree to follow the 2003 modified criteria(clinico-pathologic), then, this lesion being clinically compatible(unilateral), will have to be diagnosed as OLL, though it could be histologically typical of OLP. However, the diagnosis would be OLP according to the 1978 criteria. One should make note of the lines quoted by van der Meij and van der Waal4(2003), in their paper which says: â€Å" We do realise that application of these criteria will exclude a number of patients who actually may have the disease but do not meet the strict criteria.†This line has considerable relevance if we consider the above example. Also, if this in turn progresses to carcinoma, a false record of malignant transformation of OLL is generated,when in reality the lesion could possibly have been a true OLP. This example quoted, cannot be rejected on the grounds of being hypothetical, as there is every possibility of OLP manifesting unilaterally though it often manifests bilaterally. ABSENCE OF DYSPLASIA :AN EXCLUSION CRITERIA FOR OLP – IS THIS JUSTIFIED? The heated debate of OLP and dysplasia started with Krutchkoff and Eisenberg’s10 paper in 1985, â€Å"Lichenoid dysplasia: A distinct histopathologic entity†. While they could have been right about epithelial dysplasia with lichenoid features being misdiagnosed as OLP, the possibility of OLP showing dysplasia cannot be ruled out. The present 2003 modified criteria of OLP have dysplasia as an exclusion criteria. Van der Meij and van der Waal3 in their paper, in 2003, state that â€Å"To avoid confusion over the terminology- ‘Lichenoid Dysplasia’ we propose to regard the presence of epithelial dysplasia as an exclusion criterion for the histopathological diagnosis of OLP†. This is not convincing enough to make ‘absence of dysplasia’ as a criterion because, there is accumulating evidence of OLP’s malignant potential and it is rather logical to assume that it could manifest dyplastic features. In fact, exclusion of all lesions that re semble OLPs but exhibit epithelial dysplasia may lead to an underestimation of the rate of malignant transformation.11 This fact was restated by Mignona et al12 in 2007, where they reported severe epithelial dyaplasia and carcinoma in situ in their series of OLP. Rejecting a diagnosis of OLP solely due to the presence of dysplasia, therefore requires consideration. LICHENOID DYSPLASIA: Krutchkoff and Eisenberg’s conclusion of epithelial dysplasias manifesting with lichenoid features were substantiated in the recent papers published by Patil et al13 and Fitzpatrick et al14. Moreover, Patil et al13 observed features of dysplasia in OLP and OLL in their case series, further reiterating the malignant potential of these entities. These papers enlighten us about the co-existence of lichenoid features in OLP,OLL and epithelial dysplasia, further stamping the necessity for an accurate and universal diagnostic criteria for the distinction of these lesions. Also, the lesion, lichenoid dysplasia deserves some consideration and requires further appraisal by a panel of experts. Hypothetical scenario 2: Assuming there is a case of OLP manifesting bilaterally (clinically typical) and the histopathology, though being very typical, reveals dysplasia, what then, should it be diagnosed as? According to 2003 modified criteria, it should be branded as an OLL, since it is histologically compatible (shows dysplasia). But is this diagnosis justified? Pathologists would also consider other different diagnoses like: OLP with dysplasia, lichenoid dysplasia or simply, epithelial dysplasia. Hypothetical scenario 3: If a patient with a history of OLP, consults another pathologist, unaware of the fact that it has become dysplastic, he/she would again be diagnosed with OLL if the 2003 diagnostic criteria are followed. SIGNIFICANCE OF DIAGNOSING ORAL LICHENOID LESIONS: van der Meij et al4 proposed the designation OLL for cases that are clinically typical and histologically compatible, clinically compatible and histologically typical, or clinically and histologically compatible with OLP. As already stated and explained in the first hypothetical scenario, not all patients with OLP manifest with the classical bilateral white striae. In such situations, clinicians and pathologists must exercise prudence in blindly branding the lesion as OLL by strict adherence to the 2003 modified criteria. Whether the lesion to be diagnosed represents an OLP like disease can be suspected by other clinical manifestations like: manifestation in cancer-prone areas (floor of the mouth, lateral border and ventral surface of the tongue, retromolar trigone and soft palate–uvula complex), lesions accompanied or preceded by skin manifestations suggestive of other diseases like lupus erythematosus, lesions that have a plaque-type keratosis or a verruco-papillary nature and lesions that may have a possible etiology like restorations(silver amalgam) or drugs.10 Differentiating between OLP and OLL is very significant as both the lesions are potentially malignant. It becomes all the more pertinent as two prospective studies by van der Meij et al15,16 one in 2003 and one in 2007 showed that only OLLs in their many cases turned malignant. DIAGNOSIS OF CANDIDIASIS IN OLP PATIENTS: Culture studies have demonstrated Candida infection in 37% to 50% of OLP cases.17 There appears to be no differences in the frequency of Candida infection between ulcerated OLP and non-ulcerated OLP.18 Candida albicans produces nitrosamine which is harmful carcinogen. Thus, OLP and candidiasis together provide a fertile background for malignant transformation of oral epithelium. Moreover, candida albicans isolated from potentially malignant oral disorders are able to produce mutagenic amounts of carcinogenic acetaldehyde when exposed to substrates such as wine and ethanol.19 Thus, one cannot disregard oral candidiasis from OLP. Both the lesions together can act synergistically and/or additively in progression to oral squamous cell carcinoma. Hence, we believe that this association needs serious considerartion in the revision of diagnostic criteria of OLP. WHAT IF BOTH THE CRITERIA ARE FOLLOWED IN DIFFERENT PARTS OF THE GLOBE? This could possibly be the situation today as there is no universal consensus on any specific criteria to be followed. This would be a serious issue, as there would be a gross under or overestimation in the diagnosis of OLP or OLL, inadvertently leading to false data regarding its malignant potential. Studies done on the current topic by different institutions using different diagnostic criteria would generate contrasting data in literature precipitating confusion and controversies. UNIVERSAL DIAGNOSTIC CRITERIA – THE NEED OF THE HOUR! So, how then, do we undo the debates surrounding the current issue? The answer lies in not only formulating more accurate diagnostic criteria but also in universally following them. Of course, further molecular or immunological studies on OLP would throw further light. We, in this commentary have tried to explain the possible demerits and confusions that could possibly arise if the current criteria are used and not universally followed. The 1978 WHO criteria may need more accuracy while the 2003 modified criteria could be rigid and strict. Devising an accurate criteria taking into consideration, the above mentioned points, would go a long way in eliminating the confusion and disputes surrounding OLP.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Alike or Different Essay
We can try and change ourselves, by changing our appearance, putting on makeup, wearing different clothes, jewellery, etc. But it’s not just a case of appearance, but it also involves the person underneath that mask everyone tries to hide behind. Nobody has ever tried to look at the person underneath before judging them. It’s just ego that stands in the way. What will the result be when people are stripped of all their accessories, when that mask is removed? What we get is a rollercoaster of emotions. Things that people can never guess are hidden underneath. And that’s yet another similarity, which makes mistaken judgment also put into account. Feelings are also something to look at. For example, people do get happy, angry and sad in different situations, but everyone still gets those emotions at times, regardless of reason. And everyone goes through the same life cycle, how they’re born, turn to children, then the teenage, middle aging comes after, then being old, and finally death. Everyone will face death someday. And everyone is made by God, and made of the same materials, as some believe. Everyone eats and breathes, everyone has the five senses, nobody can live without a vital organ, and no one can have supernatural powers. And these are all similarities. * A lot more people don’t believe in that saying, they believe that people differ in a lot of things, and the things that they have in common with others can be looked at from a different angle, making them into another difference. For example, everyone is a human being, but everyone is a different kind of human being, depending on personality, looks, and abilities. And the fact that everyone has a dream that is to be fulfilled can also be a difference, like everyone has a different dream and a different goal for the future. As for the life, everyone does have a life, but it depends on how they live it, and how everyone uses it that makes a difference. Besides, some people are born to have the personality to be good leaders, and others have the power and will to work hard in what they’re good at, while others don’t treasure their abilities, and instead they use it for their own good, to get the better out of things, while they cause hurt to everyone else around them. That’s an example of being and not being able to be a useful person, to not use life wisely, and another way why people are different. Some believe that people differ in how they look (both on the outside and the inside), how they react to things around them, their personality, beliefs, ethics and religions. What can also count as a difference is how everyone is raised, what they’re taught to believe, where and when they were born and who they lived with. People often adopt habits from those they live with, which can sometimes be good, and sometimes be bad. That can make a lot of differences compared to someone who was born rich, lived rich, and died rich. Another way of looking at things is people’s appearance. Some people really care about how they look, and always try to look their best at times. Some wouldn’t give that subject a second thought. Some do care, but not so much. And that’s related to both personality and physical appearance. Language spoken is also a difference. And the fact that some of us can do something that others can’t, which comes down to ability. Furthermore sometimes people have disabilities that others don’t have. Sometimes there are illnesses and diseases that run in families, and some inherit that disease and some don’t, which is another difference. If we try and list these differences they will not have an end, and just thinking would take long too. So it’s not a case of what is the same and what can be different, it’s just how people think about things in their own point of view. So regardless of what there is that can be used as an argument, and however we think the ones who think the opposite are wrong, and no matter which angle we use look at things, it all goes back to opinion, and opinions are very important. And my opinion stays the same, but what about yours? And what’s more important is to reason why we look at things from that point of view, and if we really are being fair, or if we are just judging others by what we think of them, and how we think of them. And most importantly, are we really being fair, or do we just think we are?
Friday, January 10, 2020
Factors of Suspense in the Most Dangerous Game Essay
Suspense is what makes a story popular because it is interesting to read. Suspense is used in most stories to make the plot interesting. There are several factors that generate suspense in the story The Most Dangerous Game produced by Richard Connell. The use of pauses by punctuations, recurring vivid imagery, and the dialogue itself helped create mystery and suspense. These are just a few of the many ways that Richard Connell used to make the reader lust for emotionally satisfying events. The use of pauses by punctuations is a writing style used by Richard Connell to help generate suspense. In the story, wanted information is sometimes delayed by action. For example, in the conversation by Rainsford and General Zaroff, the information is often delayed by the author. â€Å"The General took from his pocket a gold cigarette case††¦ (Richard Connell, 7) This action happened when the general stated that hunting tigers ceased to interest him. The author delayed the wanted information when Rainsford was obviously curious to know what animal the General hunts. Furthermore, Richard Connell also frequently used a dash (  ) during a conversation. The dash showed that the talking character may be interrupted by an action or to the least that the author wanted to accentuate the words after the dash. The conversing characters may have been opening a door or even using hand gestures during the conversation to help emphasize their point. Whatever it may be, the author used this technique to slightly delay the information which causes the reader to try and visualize the character during the conversation which also produces mystery and suspense. An example is the conversation of Rainsford to his friends in the beginning of the story. As one of his friends suggested â€Å"The Place has a reputationâ€â€a bad one.†(Whitney, 1) Though writing style alone does not generate enough tension to make the reader crave for the wanted information. Richard Connell also used vivid imagery in order to make the story more interesting. While reading the story, the reader may notice that the author used similarly colored objects for the imagery. Throughout the story, a red colored imagery is used constantly. The first use of the red image was when Rainsford was wandering around the ship trap island. â€Å"†¦; one patch of weeds was stained crimson,†(Richard Connell, 4) This quote alone provided enough mystery and suspense to make the reader wonder. Reddish images were also used all throughout the story. From the blood-warm waters, to the part where they drank borsch; a red Russian soup, they drank port; a type of red liquor and the General gave Rainsford a red lipped-smile, the constant use of the red imagery portents and highlights a murderous and bloodlust filled atmosphere which in turn, generates anxiety of the reader for Rainsford. The reader may have even begun to suspect that something supernatural is to happen such as the General to be Count Dracula. Furthermore, the author also used dark images throughout the story. While Rainsford was still boarding the yacht, Rainsford described the fog with the words â€Å"Ugh! It’s like moist black velvet.†(Rainsford, 1) Especially that Rainsford’s companions described that they could feel evil surrounding Ship Trap Island as if it was tangible. Also, when Rainsford found Zaroff’s villa or castle, the author gave this scene a very dark imagery. The bleak darkness, the shadows, the gargoyle, and even Ivan’s astrakhan clothing echoed an evil and mystery filled atmosphere to the story. A reader with no clue about the story’s plot may think that the story’s protagonist accidentally stumbled upon Transylvania. Although imagery delivers a lot of suspense, it is still not enough to satisfy the author’s desire to fill the story with thrill. The dialogue itself is one of the main contributors for suspense in the story. Even when the protagonist was still onboard the yacht, the author tried to build up as much suspense as possible. â€Å"The place has a reputationâ€â€a bad one.†(Whitney, 1); said by one of Rainsford’s friends. This alone persuades the reader to ask themselves to what is so special about Ship Trap Island. Also, during Rainsford’s conversation with Zaroff, Zaroff explained to Rainsford that he has recreated hunting. â€Å"Here in my preserve on this island †¦ I hunt more dangerous game.†(Zaroff, 7) Again, just as Rainsford, the author made the readers desire and lust for the answer to the mystery. This quote helped the cause of building suspense. Moreover, during the hunt, whenever Rainsford managed to make the General retreat, Zaroff stated that â€Å"†¦ I shall be back.†(Zaroff, 17) To make things worse, after his second retreat, â€Å"†¦ Ill see what you can do against my whole pack†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Zaroff, 17) What’s gonna happen to Rainsford? How is he going to escape Zaroff? These are just the types of questions that the reader might have asked themselves. To hunt or to be hunted, and only the strongest will survive, this is the logic behind the madness of this monstrous persona. Ironic as it is that Rainsford is also a hunter, now he is the mouse and Zaroff is the cat. Also, as the story is about over, Rainsford managed to ambush Zaroff in his room. â€Å"I’m still a beast at bay†(Rainsford, 20), Rainsford stated to Zaroff, as soon as the reader discovers this; their lust for the emotionally satisfying ending kicks in. Who would win the final fight? Even in the end, Richard Connell still gave us something to think about when Zaroff, who used to be the hunter, switches roles with Rainsford to be the hunted. Suspense is the whole reason to why people claim that they stay past their bedtime reading books. A reader does not stop reading until their desire for the answer to their questions about the plot is answered. People who have read The Most Dangerous Game may say that this story created by Richard Connell is one of the most suspense filled story ever produced. Richard Connell used many techniques to create suspense, the usage of pauses in his writing style, recurring vivid imagery, and dialogue. What and when was the last time that you read a story just as mystery and suspense filled as The Most Dangerous Game by Richard Connell?
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Critical Thinking and Society Exercise - 1121 Words
| | |Critical Thinking and Society Exercise | | | | | †¢ Describe a situation in which critical and creative thought could have been used for a better outcome. Describe why it is important to think critically and creatively in similar situations. A good situation that I think critical thinking could have been used for a†¦show more content†¦The best way to avoid this would be actually thinking about a situation and acting on your own thoughts based on your own critical thinking based on facts or your knowledge. Another type of hindrance to the critical thinking process would be Assumption. This method would be assuming information about a situation or even prejudging without actually thinking about all possibilities before making your decision. The best way to avoid this hindrance would be to not prejudge anything and use your knowledge and critical thinking to base your final decision. The third type of hindrance to the critical thinking process would be Subjectivism. This would be trying to subject someone to your point of view that you might consider the truth. In the critical thinking process everyone does not have to conform to your views or beliefs and we cannot subject others to your point of view. Y our point of view might not be truth to others based on their opinions and experiences. My own personal experience with hindrances would be everyday when we have our Youth League Board meetings. My opinions differ from others based on my experiences and I definitely think things through before responding. I am the Fund Raising Coordinator and I have brought an improvement to our league based on my prior experiences and knowledge. 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