Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Essay on james madison - 1512 Words
James Madison begins his famous federalist paper by explaining that the purpose of this essay is to help the readers understand how the structure of the proposed government makes liberty possible. Each branch should be, for the most part, in Madisons opinion, independent. To assure such independence, no one branch should have too much power in selecting members of the other two branches. If this principle were strictly followed, it would mean that the citizens should select the president, the legislators, and the judges. But, the framers recognized certain practical difficulties in making every office elective. In particular, the judicial branch would suffer because the average person is not aware of the qualifications judges should†¦show more content†¦Majorities often threaten the rights of minorities. There are only two methods of avoiding evil. The first is to construct a powerful government, a quot;community will.quot; Such a quot;will is larger than, and independent of , the simply majority. This quot;solutionquot; is dangerous because such a government might throw its power behind a group in society working against the public good. In our country, the authority to govern comes from the entire society the people. In addition, under the Constitution society is divided into many groups of people who hold different views and have different interests. This makes it very difficult for one group to dominate or threaten the minority groups. Justice is the purpose of government and civil society. If government allows or encourages strong groups to combine together against the weak, liberty will be lost and anarchy will result. And the condition of anarchy tempts even strong individuals and groups to submit to any form of government, no matter how bad, which they hope will protect them as well as the weak. Madison concludes that self-government flourishes in a large country containing many different groups. Some countries are too large for self-government, but the proposed plan modifies the federal principle enough to make self-government both possible and practical in the Untied States. Analysis: In thisShow MoreRelatedThe Presidency of James Madison1497 Words  | 6 Pages President James Madison held the white house office from 1808-1816. During his tenure he had to deal with the ramifications of his policies from when he was Secretary of State under Thomas Jefferson and The War of 1812. These two major points are what shaped most of his presidential terms. It was his second term that helped with the postwar expansion of America and the split in the Democratic Party system. It was also during his second term that he helped America gain it’s economic independenceRead MoreThe Contributions Of James Madison1939 Words  | 8 Pagesdescendent of the ideas of James Madison. 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The reason Why I choose James Madison Because I went to visited his college when I was in high school but I got married and move to the tidewater a rea and decide to go to Saintleo.So if you would be a little patient with me you will learn a lot about James Madison. So we are going to look at where he was born and some history about his achievement and some history about his family. I hope you are ready to take a ride with me through the history on James Madison. I want
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