Wednesday, December 25, 2019
What Is International Law All about Free Essay Example, 3500 words
In general, customary law and law made by international agreement have equal authority as international law. Parties may assign higher priority to one of the sources by agreement. However, some rules of international law are recognized by the international community as peremptory, permitting no derogation. Such rules can be changed or modified only by a subsequent peremptory norm of international law. The aim of international law is to monitor the behavior between states since where there exists a community of states, the maintaining of law and order becomes essential. A state will, as a general rule, do its utmost to act within the confines of the framework of rules which make up international law. Any state disregarding these general principles of peaceful and cooperative cohabitation between states runs the risk of incurring the disapproval of the fellow states in the community. Such disapproval will hardly ever limit itself to a tag of a bad reputation, but could even lead to severe consequences. Several Jurists are still sceptical about the status of International law as true law as they opine that international law exhibits the characteristics of flexibility and indeterminacy .We will write a custom essay sample on What Is International Law All about or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page The development and enforcement of International Law ultimately depend on the Political will of Sovereign States .
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Essay on james madison - 1512 Words
James Madison begins his famous federalist paper by explaining that the purpose of this essay is to help the readers understand how the structure of the proposed government makes liberty possible. Each branch should be, for the most part, in Madisons opinion, independent. To assure such independence, no one branch should have too much power in selecting members of the other two branches. If this principle were strictly followed, it would mean that the citizens should select the president, the legislators, and the judges. But, the framers recognized certain practical difficulties in making every office elective. In particular, the judicial branch would suffer because the average person is not aware of the qualifications judges should†¦show more content†¦Majorities often threaten the rights of minorities. There are only two methods of avoiding evil. The first is to construct a powerful government, a quot;community will.quot; Such a quot;will is larger than, and independent of , the simply majority. This quot;solutionquot; is dangerous because such a government might throw its power behind a group in society working against the public good. In our country, the authority to govern comes from the entire society the people. In addition, under the Constitution society is divided into many groups of people who hold different views and have different interests. This makes it very difficult for one group to dominate or threaten the minority groups. Justice is the purpose of government and civil society. If government allows or encourages strong groups to combine together against the weak, liberty will be lost and anarchy will result. And the condition of anarchy tempts even strong individuals and groups to submit to any form of government, no matter how bad, which they hope will protect them as well as the weak. Madison concludes that self-government flourishes in a large country containing many different groups. Some countries are too large for self-government, but the proposed plan modifies the federal principle enough to make self-government both possible and practical in the Untied States. Analysis: In thisShow MoreRelatedThe Presidency of James Madison1497 Words  | 6 Pages President James Madison held the white house office from 1808-1816. During his tenure he had to deal with the ramifications of his policies from when he was Secretary of State under Thomas Jefferson and The War of 1812. These two major points are what shaped most of his presidential terms. It was his second term that helped with the postwar expansion of America and the split in the Democratic Party system. It was also during his second term that he helped America gain it’s economic independenceRead MoreThe Contributions Of James Madison1939 Words  | 8 Pagesdescendent of the ideas of James Madison. Truly, James Madison’s life was one led almost exclusively in the pursuit of liberty, justice, and freedom for the American people. Madison, through a life of service to his nation, as a Congressman, Secretary of State, and, finally, President, greatly improved the fortunes of the early United States, as well as defining the properties of American government for generati ons to come as the â€Å"Father of the Constitution†. James Madison was born on March 16th,Read MoreThe Life Of James Madison Essay1418 Words  | 6 Pages The Life of James Madison Madison Williams Central High School November 9, 2015 3rd Period Abstract In my paper I will state and explain the least known aspects of James Madison. James Madison contributed to some of the most simple and complex events that have not been recognized. For his job well done, I am willing to make those aspects known. 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The Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederation...were all made and edit from the Founding Brothers. One of the Founding Brothers, did not experience the American revolution. James Madison, a federalist who was a republican-democratic had many goals he wanted to achieved. He looked back and was able to see what aspects of were done wrong and try toRead MoreEssay on James Madison1973 Words  | 8 PagesJames Madison In the years following the Revolutionary War, the economic and political condition in the newly declared nation was disastrous. The young states were in extreme debt after the expense of the war, and economic growth was hampered by the fact that each state had its own tariffs and currencies. The Continental Congress was helpless to repair the dilemma because of its inability to tax (Garraty, 1971). In the middle of all the confusion, however, a commercial dispute, the OysterRead More President James Madison Essay1381 Words  | 6 PagesPresident James Madison James Madison, (1751-1836), 4th President of the United States of America. Although he served eight years each as a member of the U.S. House of Representatives, as secretary of state, and as president, Madisons principal contribution to the founding of the United States was as Father of the Constitution. Madisons place among the Founding Fathers reveals the essential qualities of his public career. Jefferson had a superior vision of the potential for life underRead MoreThe Federalist Paper By James Madison1728 Words  | 7 Pagesactually 3 men, Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and John Jay. They wrote the papers to convince the people of New York to vote to ratify the Constitution. These essays were published in newspapers throughout the state of New York. Federalist 10 was written by James Madison and was titled The Utility of the Union as a Safeguard Against Domestic Faction and Insurrection (continued). This essay was a continuation of Federalist 9. Federalists like James Madison and Alexander Hamilton thought thatRead MoreThe Life and Accomplishments of James Madison995 Words  | 4 PagesJames Madison was born in Port Conway, Virginia on March 16th, 1751. Madison received an education at the college of New Jersey and graduated in 1771. He studied Latin, geography, and P hilosophy. In 1774 he joined the local committee of safety which was a patriot group that monitored the actions of the local militia. Two years later Madison became a delegate in the Virginia convention and took part in the framing of the Virginia constitution. During the general election for delegates in the stateRead MoreJames Madison - Original Writing Essay1919 Words  | 8 Pageshistory of James Madison. The reason Why I choose James Madison Because I went to visited his college when I was in high school but I got married and move to the tidewater a rea and decide to go to Saintleo.So if you would be a little patient with me you will learn a lot about James Madison. So we are going to look at where he was born and some history about his achievement and some history about his family. I hope you are ready to take a ride with me through the history on James Madison. I want
Monday, December 9, 2019
Clinical Leadership and Organisational Governance - Free Samples
Question: Discuss about the Clinical Leadership and Organisational Governance. Answer: Introduction: Structure of the organisation plays a significant role in an health care organization, the policies and the processes of the organisation in a great way relies on the structure of the organisation and thus helps in achieving the goals and objectives. Organisational structure concludes how the power, responsibilities, and roles are controlled, assigned, and coordinated (Ferguson, 2005). Along with this it also helps to determine the flow of information at the unusual levels of management. The organisations related to the health care functions in a specific way, where the services that are to be executed are to be the high quality that is to be delivered to the patients. Health care organisations are dynamic and complex hence requires the managers to be the leaders along follow the coordination and supervision of the employees (Hughes, 2014). For such structural management, an erect structure will be followed in an organisation having the different layers of the management (Chrusciel, 2006). The diverse management layers are designed in a way to make certain that every day jobs are completed precisely and correctly. According to the case study, Whitlam Memorial hospital (WMH) follows the traditional bureaucratic structure, the structure where the processes of the organisation are followed by the diverse management layers. The organisational structure bureaucraticin nature includes the chain of command that is in progress from regional managers to executives and then the section manager and at the bottom shift supervisors performs the duty with the frontier staff (Chrusciel, 2006). The choice made is to go by diverse organisation level in comparison to the company which is flat. For exemplar, the repayment file has to first move from the forefront staff and further in the direction of the shift manager and subsequent to sanction, it goes to the store administration the trade channel in the business with technical framework (Hughes, 2014). In beginning, where the arrangement is technical, such establishment is mainly based at the peak, and the in sequence usually surge from the peak to downward (C hrusciel, 2006). This inspires the civilization of business to be based on principles and system, where the equipped process is severely managed with definite management and methodologies. Management on the topmost level in self-important organizational structure put into effect an agreement of control over managerial strategy decision, which is perfect for the owners of trade with a control and direct method. Purposeful decision-making instant under the self-important structure is to be reduced in a high managerial arrangement as only a few individuals are concerned in the arrangement (Duke, 2015). Consistencies are over and over again the main and prompt highlights in company with tall professional structure, thus ensuring that processes are completed skilfully and powerfully. Drawbacks of the bureaucratic organisational structure: The controlling structure can discourage modernization and inspiration all through the organization. No matter how intelligent a corporation owner is, it is approximately not possible for the private individual to create various premeditated ideas credible in a big, interdisciplinary bunch (Duke, 2015). The workforce in the front line may not get achievement from their job in a sternly bureaucratic organization, growing employees take-home pay rates. Association bound by severe organize can, in the count, find them a smaller amount able to turn out to be familiarized to growing conditions in the business, marketplace or the lawful environment (Zgrzywa-Ziemak, 2015). An apparition along with the assignment is important and normal fundamentals of a company's decision-making strategy. The renowned companies construct up managerial responsibility declaration and disclosure statements that dish up as preliminary direct in the venture business of the corporation goals. The trade in that case build up strategic and planned strategy for the objectives (Zgrzywa-Ziemak, 2015). Such statements have major role: communicate the purpose of the association to collaborators; inform policies and strategies development, and expand the quantifiable goals and aims to calculate the achievement of the company loom. Vision and Mission offer a medium for expansively forwarding the company standard and principles to all major collaborators (Zgrzywa-Ziemak, 2015). The collaborators are such main gathering that has a number of powers above the relationship or the venture in its potential.Vision and charge generate an objective for policy development. That is, one importan t factor of a high-quality superiority policy is how well it assists the firm get its set task and future visualization (Huang, Li Shi, 2017). A vision statement is important as such statement give the link between the company strategy and mission that increase the sense of accountability among the staff and thus achieve the goals and mission of the company (Huang, Li Shi, 2017). Vision and mission together narrate to the companys aspiration and principle and communicate in general in the structure of certain concise in print declaration. The mission declaration of the administration outcome in converse the cause connected to the occurrence of the company, the reason for the existence of company and how the business desire to hand round the major collaborators (Huang, Li Shi, 2017). The apparition declaration is focussed, narrower, the organizations target. Vision and mission jointly end consequence in increasing the conduct policy, assist to converse the function of the company to the collaborators and notify the objectives and goals are set for formative whether the arrangement of the company is operational properly refer the objectives (Huang, Li Shi, 2017). Assignment, vision and the motives make available the channel of elevated stage and the companies arrangement outcome in the precise guide so as to achieve the objectives and aims, the breakdown and victory of the policy and also contentment related to the dissimilar objectives which are declared in the work declaration (Dischner, 2015). The top secret of mounting the enhanced duty statements is to centre on the cause which is concerned to the organisation subsistence and not on the products and the services that the company provides. New applied Organisational Structure for WHM WMH is reorganizing the hospital and growing the figure of beds from mere 130 to 250 as per the growing capacity for the community based clinic in the specialities. The infirmary is scheduling to offer definite other fresh facilities and dealing as per the mounting needs of the society, such includes, cardiovascular, paediatric, tumour, trauma services, elderly care services, society and last but not the least the renal services (Dischner, 2015). The environment organisational arrangements are the greatest arrangement which are useful by the Whitlam Memorial hospital for its reformation. The matrix structure constantly accommodates in an immense way according to the changing requirements and the landscapes of the company (Dischner, 2015). Matrix is considered as the grouping of the cohesive and single structure which grades in the dual authority system. The matrix organisational formation utilizes the dual-reporting associations instead of the linear management structure (Dischner, 2015). Such collaboration is considered as an important characteristic among the matrix organisational structures, predominantly in circumstances where the group is formed, drawing individuals from the varied institute division, for the accomplishment of the specific project (Abbasi, 2017). The matrix organisational arrangement is useful for the well-organized and more rapidly flow of the information amongst the organisation (Abbasi, 2017). The in sequence is switched at the speedier and the free flow way as a result of the earlier cooperation among the organisation and workforce. The matrix structure encourages the sharing of the data, which flows from the horizontal level towards the vertical level, hence resulting in the accesses of the information by each and every person in the organisation (Abbasi, 2017). The speedy flow and information through the matrix structure result in exchanges with improving the response rate for the unforeseen circumstances. Matrix structure makes use of the assets in a well-organized and the cost effectual way. The arrangement results in the department to defend itself as to the unnecessary spending on the manpower, equipment, and tools (Abbasi, 2017). The structure is favourable in the individual and proficient development of the supervisor, the matrix structure is liable to generate the professional managers and dedicated workers in the course of the information contribution and knowledge which is achieved although functioning in the dissimilar development of the government and therefore the organization results in enhanced commitment connected to the occupation. Conclusion: Along with the potency, certain limitations are also present along with the Matrix structure, which is the developing confusion because of the system which follows the dual authority. This, in turn, results in lack of control and definite loss of the supervisor in controlling the workforce of their own section (Abbasi, 2017). The sense of liability and responsibility also decreases among the employees. Augment the preliminary setup cost of the organisation. The clashes originated among the employees as a result of the dual authority results in dissatisfaction and frustration. Whitlam Memorial Hospital is reforming itself into the bigger hospital with the augmented treatment facilities and spaces, Matrix is considered as the better option because of its suitability for the organisations with a larger structure, the flexibility and adaptability of the organization will be enhanced option for an organisation with fast pace such as WHM (Abbasi, 2017). The diverse department of WHM is in need of the decentralisation process which is to promote the decision making process among the various level of the department. Hence the discussed factors conclude that the Matrix organisational structure will be a better option in the restructuring the Whitlam Memorial Hospital. References Abbasi, B. (2017). Transformational leadership and change readiness and a moderating role of perceived bureaucratic structure: an empirical investigation.Problems And Perspectives In Management,15(1), 35-44. Chrusciel, D. (2006). The role of curriculum in organizational significant change planning.The Learning Organization,13(3), 215-229. Dischner, S. (2015). Organizational structure, organizational form, and counterproductive work behavior: A competitive test of the bureaucratic and post-bureaucratic views.Scandinavian Journal Of Management,31(4), 501-514. Duke, N. (2015). Clinical leadership and organisational governance in primary care.Primary Health Care,25(9), 34-39. Ferguson, D. (2005). Organisational Development in Healthcare Peck Edward Organisational Development in Healthcare publisher: Radcliffe No. of pages:320 Price: 35185775896X185775896X.Primary Health Care,15(10), 10-10. Huang, H., Li, M., Shi, J. (2017). Broker Firms' Organisational Structure Changes and the Impact on Analyst Recommendations.SSRN Electronic Journal,5(2), 10-11. Hughes, N. (2014). How Does Organisational Literacy Impact Access to Health Care for Homeless Individuals?.Health Care Analysis,25(1), 90-106. Zgrzywa-Ziemak, A. (2015). The Impact of Organisational Learning on Organisational Performance.Management And Business Administration. Central Europe,23(4), 98-112.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
The Haiti Earthquake
Introduction An earthquake is occasioned by the tremor of tectonic plates on the surface of the earth. Materials on earth’s crust are dislocated by pushing forces from either side (Oliver, 2010). When the friction holding the surface rocks are overwhelmed by the forces, the plate of rocks are more likely to slip over each other leading to the onset of an earthquake.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on The Haiti Earthquake specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Depending on the intensity of the pushing and opposing forces, some quakes may not have gross impact since they are hardly felt. However, other tremors might be intensive leading to massive loss in life and property. This paper explores the earthquake devastation to Haiti which occurred on 12th January 2010 and how the international community responded in a bid to rescue and resettle victims of the disaster. Background The Haiti capital, Port-au-Princ e among other parts of the country was seriously devastated by the January earthquake. The quake recorded a magnitude of 7.0 in addition to aftershocks that caused further damages thereafter (Taft-Morales Margesson, 2010). Immediately after the main earthquake struck, it was impossible to relay any information since communication services were brought to a standstill owing to the destruction of communication infrastructure (Aronin, 2011). The preliminary reports obtained by rescuers revealed that several people were either trapped in collapsed buildings or were left homeless and stranded in open air, not to mention the unaccounted deaths and untold suffering of the victims. Although the initial estimates of those who tragically died in the quake have been continuously updated, the actual number may not be established due to uncertainty on the whereabouts of those who were deeply buried in the debris. A statement issued by the United Nations Secretary General indicated that approxim ately one third of the Haiti population may have been devastated by the earthquake (Ellingwood, 2010, August 1). Aftershocks are even more disastrous than the primary quakes since such tremors can significantly cause additional loss in life and property bearing in mind that the structures have already been weakened by the primary quake and are highly susceptible to further damages.Advertising Looking for research paper on environmental studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In the case of Haiti, fourteen aftershocks were experienced with a magnitude greater than five while thirty others with magnitude more than four (Taft-Morales Margesson, 2010). These aftershocks took place within a span of one day after the onset of the main earthquake. The aftershocks persisted for some weeks complicating the rescue effort. In the event that there are steep slopes and uneven land surfaces such as hills and valleys situated within the vi cinity of the epicenter, the likelihood of a major earthquake taking place is high while the aftershocks are easily triggered by the steep slopes due to landslides. As a result, both human life and structures located on the lower sides of the slopes are in greater danger. This was phenomenon of Haiti earthquake and as a result, it even became cumbersome for rescue efforts to be directed in rugged topography (Oliver, 2010). In addition, most of the personnel who were part and parcel of the recovery teams were lost in the disaster making it difficult to reach out for the victims. For instance, there were several reported cases of missing officials from the Haiti government, the aid personnel from the international community including rescue workers from United Nations. To worsen the situation, the basic infrastructure such as the main transportation routes and communication channels were brought down by the earthquake. The airport located at Port-au-Prince was damaged leading to a qua gmire in air traffic control. However, this challenge was immediately addressed by relocating the air traffic control authority to the United States. So far, an optional port facility has been established by the US troops since the major port was grossly damaged by the earthquake. Besides, the government officials had to serve in temporary conditions owing to the breakdown in structures and facilities (Taft-Morales Margesson, 2010). Haiti had been receiving humanitarian aid from the international community even before the January 2010 earthquake. As a consequence of this external assistance, the country had already made significant strides in developing its economy ranging from security, management of the macroeconomics, reforms in important organs of the government such as judiciary to transparency in the fiscal processes (Ellingwood, 2010, August 1).Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on The Haiti Earthquake specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Moreover, the Haiti government had also improved the rate of employment and democratization process through increased voted registration. Nonetheless, the gains that had been made over the years were stagnated when the country had to focus on the disaster at the expense of development. Emergency Response plans Soon after the earthquake struck, President Peval acted fast and requested for external help from the international community. The top agenda for the country was to urgently embark on the search and rescue mission for those who had survived the calamity. Besides, an offshore medical unit was set up to cater for the humanitarian crisis that had affected the country. Another unit for generating electricity was also established as part of material requirements for the rescue efforts (Deckelbaum, 2010). Bearing in mind that communication system was brought down by the initial earthquake, the Haitian government appealed for equipment that could b e used by rescue officials to communicate and coordinate their functions well. Even as the Haitian ministries were coordinating and discharging their duties in makeshift offices, long term issues such as shelter needs for the homeless victims were being addressed. Survivors in the makeshift camps were served with both food and water by the agencies. Besides the Haitian government provide free movement of rescue officials, victims as well as materials so as to facilitate expedited rescue operations. More than 400, 000 quake victims had to be transferred from the capital (Ellingwood, 2010, August 1). For the small cities that were equally affected by the earthquake, the Haitian government dispatched some officials to assist with the coordination of rescue efforts besides delivering aid materials such as food, water and medical treatment. On the same note, the Haitian National Police worked hand in hand with the U.S security officers not only to maintain security, they also played the vital role of directing air traffic at the damaged Port-au-Prince airport.Advertising Looking for research paper on environmental studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In order to assess the damages caused by the earthquake as well as the immediate and long term needs, both the USAID and the Peval Administration worked as a team. Further, the World Bank and the Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery assisted in the process of assessing the damage caused by the earthquake (Aronin, 2011). Rescue operations The rescue operations were divided into multiple phases. There were those groups that were concerned with searching and rescuing quake victims from various sites of damage such as in collapsed buildings. The second phase entailed the process of treatment and survival of victims who were lucky to come out alive from the catastrophe. The third phase dealt with relocation and rehabilitation of victims who has been left homeless while the last phase focused on long term reconstruction of the country after the disaster. Notwithstanding the structured emergency repose plan, serious delays were reported in the transportation system. Further, the delay was mainly occasioned by inadequate transportation infrastructure which had been damaged by the earthquake. Moreover, there were bureaucratic challenges all the way making it difficult for smooth rescue operations to be undertaken (Ellingwood, 2010, August 1). Worse still, poor access to disaster stricken areas was an equal hurdle in the rescue process. The Haiti earthquake could have best been managed by critical timing as part of saving lives. However, communication breakdown led to slow response in coordination and assessment. Although the government of Haiti injected the right effort in its rescue plan, there was lack of appropriate response from other levels of the government. Besides, the efforts of the international community were poorly aligned leading a relatively longer period of response time than necessary. The United Nations managed to set up two vital teams to urgently respond to the earthquake. Firstly, the Disaster Management and Coordination (UNDAC) team was solely responsible for assessing the urgent areas of need that demanded immediate attention as well as coordinating the various rescue teams in reaching out for the survivors. The second team known as the U.N Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) played an overlapping role of coordination with the first team. Moreover, OCHA also engaged itself in other humanitarian affairs beyond just coordinating the rescue teams. In order to deliver its mandate well, OCHA worked very closely with the Haitian government such as in the process of seeking donor support where the government could not shoulder the burden in addition to coordinating military activities on the ground. Over and above, a Joint Operations Tasking Center (JOTC) was created by OCHA so as to seek ways and means through which the military and civilians would coordinate in rescue efforts. As part of the rescue effort by the international community, the United States government coordinated both capital an d human-based resources to assist in offering the much needed relief during and after the disaster. The US led agency, USAID was in the forefront in providing humanitarian help to the survivors. As President Obama noted, his government would entirely engage itself in the emergency response plan for the Haitians. Firstly, the military personnel were used in facilitating the logistics process such as distribution of food and water, searching for survivors as well as assisting the local Haitian military in offering security services. Although the United Nations came in handy to offer emergency help during the January 12th earthquake, it is vital to note that local communities should also be trained in disaster preparedness skills so that they are in a position to respond to emergencies at the initial stages before other external parties lend their hand. Furthermore, the establishment of seismic stations in Haiti to monitor earthquake related activities requires local talent to read, in terpret and communicate the results and thereafter providing early warning to policy makers should there be need (Aronin, 2011). Nonetheless, the United Nations remains the best body to coordinate response whenever there is an international catastrophe mainly because of two key reasons. Firstly, UN has adequate human and capital resources that can be used in the event of disasters compared to the affected nation. Hence, the organisation can coordinate the necessary response plan as well as offer humanitarian services than the host country due to resource allocation. Secondly, UN is an international organisation and not a single nation and therefore it represents a collective effort of member states and can hardly be paralyzed by an international disaster affecting a particular country. Better still, the organisation through its humanitarian organizations such as UNHCR is always prepared in the event of a disaster through its well trained staff unlike an individual country. There wer e several members of the international community who pledged to offer their assistance to the victims of Haiti earthquake. For instance, Canada promised to send immediately a sum of five million Canadian dollars to the government of Haiti. Additionally, transport planes and disaster management team were put ready for dispatch (Taft-Morales Margesson, 2010). Also, assistance came from the Irish telecommunications company Digicel. The company pledged another five million dollars to assist in repairing the broken telecommunication network. Further, the European Commission endorsed a total sum of 4.3 million dollars and even promised the possibility of releasing more funds. On the same note, the government of Spain also promised 3 million euro and equally sent some rescue officials with three transport planes in addition to relief equipment (Ellingwood, 2010, August 1). For Germany, 2.17 million dollars was donated in addition to a response team that was sent immediately. A donation of 2.9 million dollars was donated by the Netherlands and also pledged to dispatch a search and rescue group (Oliver, 2010). A total of 64 firefighters were sent by Britain besides a pack of search dogs and rescue equipment (Deckelbaum, 2010). Conclusions and recommendations It is unfortunate that governments and aid agencies often focus on how to respond to disasters instead of developing long term and sustainable solutions to the calamities, whether natural or artificial. It is imperative to set up preventive measure alongside instituting mitigation measure as part of preparing for disasters. To begin with, the Haiti government in collaboration with the international community should gather sufficient data on the prevalence level of fault lines in the country. Such data can be obtained from geological records or by conducting a fresh field work. Using geological knowledge, the probability of those fault lines breaking loose due to movement of tectonic plates should also be establish ed. This type of information may be used to produce a hazard map indicating areas prone to earthquakes. Port-au-Prince was the hardest hit by the earthquake. It is vital to sample soil types from this region. This can be used to evaluate the given soil type can amplify vibrations during earthquakes. As a result, buildings and other structures constructed in disaster prone areas such as in the capital can be modified to withstand any possible shaking say in the next fifty years or so. Moreover, seismic stations should be set up in the country to assist in monitoring earth movements in Haiti as possible indicators of earthquakes (Deckelbaum, 2010). Well established monitoring stations are needed to provide early warning signs so that civilians can be evacuated before calamity strikes. References Aronin, M. (2011). Earthquake in Haiti. New York: Beauport Publishing Company, Inc. Deckelbaum, D. (2010). â€Å"The Haiti earthquake: a personal perspective†. Canadian Medical Associat ion. Journal, 182(5), E241-242. Ellingwood, K. (2010, August 1). â€Å"The World; In Haiti tent camps, hope is faltering; A deepening despair hangs over displaced quake victims†. Los Angeles Times, p. A.3. Oliver, C. (2010). Catastrophic Disaster Planning and Response. Boca Raton: CRC Press. Taft-Morales, M. and Margesson, R. (2010). Haiti Earthquake: Crisis and Response. New York: Congressional Research Service. This research paper on The Haiti Earthquake was written and submitted by user Ashlynn Burke to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
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