Sunday, November 17, 2019
Library System Essay Example for Free
Library System Essay In today’s rapid growth of industries, technology makes our lives much easier and does things with accuracy. Computer is perfect example of technology that was made a great impact in the society. After the effectiveness of the technology had recognized, it caught the attention of different industries. The technology had utilized to help students and faculty to perform much better on what they do. One possible function of this technology was library management system that could provide necessary book information in borrowing and returning books. This system allowed the management to enter in a new book record and retrieved the details of books available in the library. Issuing, returning of books, and maintaining records were some of the capabilities of this system. It recorded all the necessary information needed such as inventory, number of books borrowed and the available books left in the library. This system provided a concrete transaction regarding library resources to ensure the efficiency of the process. It can offer to its borrower through providing functions that help the management to organize all the data needed in executing in the transactions like returning and borrowing of books. It has an inventory records for books for the assurance of its availability. Statement of the Problems Managing a library was definitely a hard task and had needed a lot of time especially when all the transactions were recorded manually like in Library Hub Gapan Division. A borrower should fill up a slip when borrowing and returning books in the Library Hub. Librarian or assistant librarian recorded it on the log book. In this kind of process, the borrowers experienced difficulty in finding books because there were thousand books on the list. Through the systems search function, finding for a specific book became a simple task. It also needed more efforts for both staff and borrower to know if there were enough books to borrow. The library management system provided the number of existing books to ensure its availability. The staff found it hard to make reports and record all transactions because they needed to update every transaction manually. This was eliminated by using the system’s print functions that provided the printed reports in just a click. Objectives General Objective The general objective of this project is to create a Library Management System for Library Hub Gapan Division. Specific Objectives Library Management System should be able to: * provide book reference and its location through a search engine function for the library staff and borrowers; * provide computerized transaction such as borrowing and returning of books; and * print book records such as borrowed, unreturned, and masters list of books. Scope and Limitation This study developed a Library Management System for Library Hub Gapan Division in Gapan Nueva Ecija. This Library System automates the basic library functions to aid in the day-to-day operations of the library. It has different type of accounts like the Administrator and User account. The system has log history, backup, and restores function. It allowed the borrowing and returning of books, as well as printing the records of returned and borrowed books. It had a reset function for account password and could change log in information if necessary. The system provided the book status such as total number of replaced, repaired, and damaged books. The system had no transaction fee or fines for the overdue borrowers. The users could not create their own account. Only the administrator has the full control in the system most especially when updating all the records. In printing of reports, sorting of record is done monthly. It is not capable of printing records with different months at the same time. CHAPTER II BACKGROUND OF THE CAPSTONE PROJECT In exploration, we find new methods, new knowledge, even develop new substances, processes or procedures, imagination and skill was employed by the developer. Today, libraries face the challenge of remaining relevant to the users. The concept of a library staying in one fixed space was slowly evolving. Observation and interview are conducted to understand the Library Hub Gapan Division’s existing system which is a manual process. When users borrow books, the staffs check all the book records to find what users need and check the bins if there are enough books to borrow. Borrowers fill up the borrowers slip to borrow books and proceed to the librarian or assistant librarian to record the transaction and to issue the books. After using the books, borrowers return the books by filling up return slip and surrendering the books to the assistant librarian. Librarian or assistant librarian records it manually in the log book. On the last day of their office hour, they tally all the transactions for the week, manually. The staffs of the library encodes the records for making reports such as the book status, returned, borrowed and master list of books. To fully understand what a Library Management System is, a research for the existing system was done. This research was used as a basis in creating a Library Management System. Ken Chad says that Library automation helps not just the library staff but also makes it easier for library users to get information quickly. Tasks such as viewing the catalogue, putting books on reserve or renewing titles can now be quickly accomplished from a computer. This give an idea that a Library Management System could help the Library Hub to do their day to day transaction, so Library Management System is created to solved the problem of Library Hub Library Management System made by Rolan Alga for Saint Vincent High School was similar to the process of Library Hub. The system of Mr. Alga has book inventory which assures the availability and number of books and compute fines for the overdue books. This allows the user to search, borrow and return book by just entering the book information needed in a specific transaction. The system also allows Printing of reports, restoring and having data back up to secure the records of the library. Tthe only difference of Library Hub to St. Vincent High School is that they don’t have fee or fines for the overdue books; it serves as a pattern to create a Library Management System for Library Hub. This helped a lot to decide where to start and to the interface of the system. The general functions of this proposed library system are beneficial to every school that borrow books in the Hub. It means that the intended audience for this project is not only for individual borrower, but it is also for both library and to the schools who uses the system. This system has all the book transactions needed in the Library Hub. It offers computerized transactions like borrowing, returning books, printing of book reports. CHAPTER III TECHNICAL BACKGROUND Visual Basic is Graphical Rapid Application Development (RAD) tool that aims at providing the user with a graphical interface that was intuitive and easy to use. Visual Basic was a popular programming tool that can be used to write any kind of visual application ranging from a game to a database management application. It was a powerful drag and drop tool that can be used in developing project. Now-a-days Visual basic was being widely used for developing different types of applications because aside from being user-friendly, it has a wide range of support available. Using My Structured Query Language (MySQL) for the back end, with Visual Basic 6. 0 they were known to be a dynamic duo. MySQL was pronounced either My S-Q-L or My Sequel, was an open source relational database management system. MySQL offers secured data basing which make it popular to public. Aside from being secured, MySQL was open source software, user-friendly and also has a wide range of support available. The Operating System will serve as the most important software application that will be used. An operating system (sometimes abbreviated as OS) was the program that, after being initially loaded into the computer by a boot program, manages all the other programs in a computer. The application programs make use of the operating system by making requests for services through a defined Application Program Interface (API). In addition, users can interact directly with the operating system through a user interface such as a command language or a graphical user interface (GUI). Computers are needed to develop the project and the available computer that was being used has the specification of 2 gigabyte RAM, 320 gigabyte hard disk drive, Intel core duo for processor and other peripherals such as mouse. The operating system used in developing the project is Windows 7 Ultimate. The Library Management System of Library Hub Gapan Division used four (4) computers in implementing the project. To establish connection to these computers, the topology used to network the computers is star topology which uses hub to connect all those computers. Two (2) of these computers was used by the Administrator, one will be used by the Librarian and the other one was for the Assistant librarian who was in charged of updating and monitoring all the transactions in the library. The other two (2) computers were used by the borrower in searching the books they want and in filling on the computerized slip for borrowing and returning books. CHAPTER IV METHODOLOGY Locale of the Study The proposed Library Management System was for Library Hub Gapan Division located at Gapan, Nueva Ecija. The proposed Library System of Library Hub Gapan Division was beneficial to thirty-three (33) Elementary Schools and seven (7) High Schools with approximately 10,000 students. Organizational Chart LIBRARY HUB GAPAN DIVISION HIGH SCHOOL ELEMENTARY Figure 1. 0 School under Library Hub Gapan Division Library Hub Gapan Divison was a library facility under Department of Education that allows all the schools in Gapan to borrow all the resources of the books available in the library. The schools as shown in Figure 1. 0 were under the Library Hub which are composed of elementary schools and high schools in Gapan Nueva Ecija . Requirements Specification The interview and observation to the client are conducted to understand what are needed to be done in this project. The client was consulted regarding to the process and problems they encountered, what were the functions needed for the project to be very useful to them. The Library Hub is in need of a Library Management System to solve their problems which made their manual process to a computerized one. Based on the interview conducted, this Library Management System shall have the functions of borrowing, returning of books, adding of accounts and books, updating accounts and book records, printing of records, and search functions for finding books. Four (4) computers were used in the implementation of the system and these computers were networked using a hub. In developing the project, the developer started to build the system part by part. He used Visual Basic 6. 0 where designing of system interface and program coding takes place. The developer started to build the system with the log in form which was basically needed to access the system. After dealing with log in, creating the account panels was done that allow the administrator to add new accounts and update the existing records. The next function was book panel where adding and updating of book records are the main concern. Adding and updating of the main records were done, borrowing and returning of books were possible. The developer dealt with borrowed and returned books. The developer placed a confirmation request when borrowing books and this request needs to be confirmed by the administrator. After those functions, the developer started working on inventory which displays the masters list, borrowed and unreturned books. This inventory also displayed the availability of the books. Those records are printable so that making reports would be easier. After the main functions of the system were done, the developer focused on the minor functions such as; (1)search engine which make finding book easy over a list consisting of thousand books, (2)security/ pop-up message, (3)system interface and others. These functions were made especially for Library Hub Gapan Division to assist them in their day to day operation. Requirements Different methods are useful to understand what must be done and what to satisfy the client needs. One of these methods is requirements modelling which was subdivided into different five processes. INPUT -Conduct an interview to the target client. Gathers information that will be needed in the project Review the information and process of the manual library. PROCESS Analyze all the information gathers Transform all the information gathers in input stage OUTPUT The result of this project is the Library Management System for Library Hub Gapan Division PERFORMANCE -It can add book records and accounts for the borrower -it supports three (3) different type of users -it support saving, updating and printing of library records -keep track all the records of the borrowers CONTROL -The system has a log-in form to provide security. -Creating new user account is done only by the Administrator -It has a two-user level access; the Administrator which is sub-divided into two the one is for librarian and the other one is for assistant librarian. The user (borrowers) is the second type of user level. Figure 2. 0 Requirements Model of Library Management System First is the INPUT wherein conducting an interview was done as a preliminary investigation of project to be. The developer found out that this library was in need of a library management system because of the different problems that the librarian encountered. The second was PROCESS. The developer decided to make a library management system for the client after conducting an interview. This library management system replaced paper and pens in recording data transaction because it computerized the process in which they used computers in making those transactions. Having the Library Management System resulted to an output which serves as the third process. As an OUTPUT, the schools were able to borrow, return and make inventory reports easier than performing it manually. They searched and chose books by just clicking and scrolling. The system also helped the librarian and other staff in recording all the transactions and making good inventory. The fourth method of requirements modelling is PERFORMANCE. In this method, the system can identify how the transaction of the library system has been done. It proved how the system can satisfy the needs of the clients. It keeps all the records of the borrowers of the book tracked. Transactions include borrowing and returning books. CONTROL is the last process wherein the librarian served as the Administrator of this project that holds the full access in the system. Assistant Librarian helped the Librarian to monitor and update the system. The school representative that borrowed books are entered all the necessary data in borrowing and returning books. LIBRARIAN/ ADMINISTRATOR 0. 0 Library Management System for Library Hub Gapan Division ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN SCHOOLS/ BORROWER Return book (s) Borrow book (s) Update accounts View all records Update book records View books information (Status location). View records Update book records book information printed reports Transaction reports Inventory Print records Print reports Book Information Context diagram shows the system as a whole in its environment. This Library Management System has three external entities (Figure 2. 0). The first one is the Librarian that serves as the Administrator which has the full control in the system. The administrator can update all accounts and book records, borrow and return books, confirmed book request and print records. The Assistant Librarian has all the functions of the administrator except for updating accounts. Borrowers can only view, borrow and return books. LIBRARIAN/ ADMINISTRATOR 0. 0 Library Management System for Library Hub Gapan Division ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN SCHOOLS/ BORROWER Return book (s) Borrow book (s) Update accounts View all records Update book records View books information (Status location) View records Update book records book information printed reports Transaction reports Inventory Print records Print reports Book Information Figure 3. 0 Context Diagram of Library Management System for Library Hub Gapan Division Data Flow Diagram is a means of representing a system at any level. The Figure 3 shows the flow of data in the system. The Administrators can update accounts and book records directly in the system. Through the system, they can borrow and return books, generate computerized books reports as well as printing of book records was all possible. In return, the system provides book information, transaction records, inventory, and printed reports. The system also provides book records that used by the borrowers in searching, borrowing and returning books in the system. LIBRARIAN Account confirmation 1. 0 Log in accounts Tbl_ACCOUNTS DB Account Confirmation Input Log in information Log in Information account information 2. 0 Update Accounts Account information Account found List of account Updated Account information. Use account 3. 0 Adding books Book information Account information List of books Updated Book information Book information DB Tbl_ allbooks Book records 4. 0 View record List of books Book information Book records Use Book information Book record Book information 5. 0 Search books Searched Book information Search book record A Figure 4. 0 Data Flow Diagram (Librarian) DB A returned book records Return Books Print record 8. 0 Confirm request Returned Books information All book records Borrowed books Borrowed book records Return books 9. 0 Print Records 10. 0 Tbl_borrowbooks DB Book Request Printed records A. 6. 0 Borrow Books Book Record Borrowed books Confirm request Book request Book information 7. 0 Reserved Books LIBRARIAN Book information DB Tbl_ borrowedbooks Borrowed books Tbl_ allbooks Book information DB Figure 4. 1 Data Flow Diagram (Librarian) Figure 4. 0 and 4. 1 shows the flow of data using the account of the librarian, he/she needs to log in first to access the system which the log in information was retrieve from the database table accounts. When the Administrator log in to the system, it can create account for the borrowers and update these accounts that are saved from the same database table. After having account, adding of books and update record are can be done and saved in the database table allbooks . These records are can be viewed by all type of accounts which used in borrowing books. When they borrow books a request will send that needs to be confirmed by the administrator and this request can serves as a reservation request. If the request were finally confirmed by the admin it saves to the database table borrowedbooks. In returning books, the data in the table borrowedbooks is being retrieved for it to be returned and this was save into the database table returnedbooks with the date returned. For every borrowed books, this were automatically subtracted to the total number of books in the database and when the books was returned the number of books borrowed were added to the total number of books. The Administrator can print the records on database tables borrowed, returned and allbooks for the reports of the library. LIBRARIAN 2. 1 Add Accounts DB Tbl_ accounts Inputted account Information account record 2. 3 Update account Book record account Information Updated account record Old account record 2. 2 Check account Input account information Checked information Account status Account Information. Updated Account Information Figure 5. 0 Decomposing Diagram (Adding of Accounts -Librarian) The Decomposing Diagram of adding accounts (Figure 5. 0) shows the process on how the librarian will add or edit account information to the system. The Librarian will input the account information given by the borrowers and the system will check the entered information from the database table accounts if there was an existing record. Then if there was no record found it will be saved on the same database table. Librarian can update that account information on the database. LIBRARIAN 3. 1 Input book information. DB Tbl_ allbooks Inputted Book Information Book record 3. 3 Update book record Book record Book Information Updated Book record Old Book record 3. 2 Check book record Book information Updated book list Figure 6. 0 Decomposing Diagram (Adding of Books -Librarian) The Decomposing Diagram of adding books (Figure 6. 0) shows the process on how the librarian will add or edit book information to the system. The Librarian will input the book information on the book he/she want to borrow and the system will check the inputted information from the database table allbooks if there was an existing record. Then if there was no record found it will be saved on the same database table. Librarian can update that book records on the database. Book information LIBRARIAN 6. 1 Input book information DB Tbl_ allbooks Inputted account Information Account record Account Information Check book record 6. 2 Borrowed book information 6. 3 DB Tbl_ borrowbooks Submit Borrowing Borrowed book request Request Figure 7. 0 Decomposing Diagram (Borrowing Books -Librarian) The diagram above (Figure 7. 0) shows the process on how the Librarian can borrow books using the system. The Librarian input the book information will be borrowed then the system checks the records in the allbooks if there are available books to borrow and if there are enough books, the entered information serves as a request and this will be saved on database table borrowbooks which need to be confirmed. DB Tbl_ borrowbooks Borrowed Book record 7. 1 Select borrowed books Book information Book record LIBRARIAN Selected borrowed books information 7. 2 Confirmed Request list Approve Request Approved Book request DB Tbl_ borrowedbooks Check book record Figure 8. 0. Decomposing Diagram (Confirm Book Request(Librarian). The diagram (Figure 8. 0) shows the process on how the Librarian will confirm the book request of the borrowers. The Librarian will select a book request of send by the borrower and then click the confirm button. The confirmed request will be saved on the database table borrowedbooks which need to be confirmed. Borrowed Book record Borrowed book information 8. 1 Select Borrowed book DB Tbl_ borrowbooks Borrowed Book information LIBRARIAN Returned Book Information Borrowed Book information DB Tbl_ returnedbooks 8. 2 Complete Return slip Returned Book information Borrowed Book information DB Tbl_ allbooks Figure 9. 0 Decomposing Diagram (Return Book -Librarian) The diagram (Figure 9. 0) shows the process on how to return book. The Librarian will select a book record and then click the return button to complete the information needed in returning books. This will be saved on the database table returnedbooks and the numbered of books borrowed is added available books on the table allbooks as part of the inventory. Book information List of books Updated List of books New Book information Book information Searched Book information Book information Log in Information Input Log in information Account Confirmation Account confirmation Book information Old Book information Book record Book records Updated Book record Book information Updated Book record Book records Book records ASSISSTANT LIBRARIAN. 1. 0 Log in Account Tbl_ACCOUNTS DB DB Tbl_ allbooks 2. 0 Add books 3. 0 Update Information 4. 0 View record 5. 0 Search books A Figure 10. 0 Data flow Diagram (Assistant Librarian) DBTbl_allbooks A returned book records Return Books Print record 8. 0 Confirm request Returned Books information All book records records Borrowed books Borrowed book records Return books 9. 0 Print Records 10. 0 Book Request Printed records A 6. 0 Borrow Books Book Record Borrowed books Confirm request Book Request Book information 7. 0 Reserved Books ASSISSTANT LIBRARIAN Book information Input book information Borrowed books DB Tbl_ borrowedbooks Tbl_borrowbooks DB Figure 10. 1 Data flow Diagram (Assistant Librarian) Assistant librarian’s account was somewhat like the account of head librarian he/she must log in first to access all the functions of the system. When the Assistant Librarian was successfully log in to the system it can add new book record which save on the database table allbooks. From this table, the book information was being retrieved for updates and it will be saved on the same database table. This account can borrow books and confirmed book request. After the borrowing books and the request was confirmed, it can return the books which will be saved on the database table returnedbooks. The records in the table returnedbooks is retrieve to view the summary of books returned. It can print records such as borrowed, unretuened and master list of books which will retrived records on different database table. This account is not capable of updating account records and reset borrowers password, as well as the viewing the log history of the system as shown in Figure 10. 0 and 10. 1. LIBRARIAN/ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN. 5. 0 Return books Borrowed books Tbl_borrowedbooks DB Returned books Request confirmed Borrowed book books Tbl_returnedbooks DB 2. 0 View available books BORROWER Account found Log in Information Input Log in information Account Confirmation Account confirmation 1. 0 Log in account Tbl_ACCOUNTS DB 3. 0 Search books 4. 0 Borrow books Book information books Book records Request book Tbl_allbooks DB Book information 5 Confirmed request Request information Figure 11 Data flow Diagram (Borrower) The account of User can search, borrow and return books which were the basic transaction in the Library Hub. This type of account was capable of viewing all the available books in the Library. User account can search for a specific book to locate, view its availability and information. In borrowing books, the user will fill up the computerized borrower slip and wait for the administrator’s confirmation to validate the borrower’s request. Network Topology A network topology describes the arrangement of systems on a computer network. It defines how the computers, or nodes, within the network are arranged and connected to each other. Figure 12. 0 Network Topology for Library Management System The topology used in the implementation of the project was star topology which fit to the situation because this topology was a server based network. The system needed a server and client computers to be more effective. To establish connection between the computers, hub was used. The server was placed on the table of Head Librarian and Assistant Librarian. When the client preferred to use one server for the librarian or the administrator, one computer for the assistant librarian and two computers for the libraries client, star topology is used to establish connection to the computers will be used. Programming Environment Front End Microsoft Visual Basic 6. 0 serves as the front-end in developing this project. This is the marginal tool that used to create this Library Management System. Visual Basic (VB) is a programming environment which was called the drag and drop tool because it contains built in tools like the buttons. The proponent decided to use this drag-and-drop buttons on the window directly to the form to design its interface and code the data structures of the proposed system because Visual basic is user-friendly and has a wide support in both text books and in the web. The front end serves as a tool for creating the different forms and interface of the Library Management System. Back End MySQL serves as the back-end in developing this project. This serves as the data storage of all the information needed to be recorded in the database. MySQL is very fast reliable and flexible Database Management System. MySQL serve as data or record storage of all the transaction of the Library Management System. For every transactions made in the system, data will be saved on the different database table. This database table is where all of the information is stored and retrieved in its operation. To make those database tables, the proponent used WAMP server which has PHPMyAdmin that allows creating and managing the database. It uses a web browser to access it features and manipulate records. Testing In the development of every project, the developer must not commit any shortcomings, problems and/or mistakes. One of the best ways to avoid problems was through conducting a system testing where in it assesses the system. This helped the project to improve and meet its objective. The twenty (20) individual was asked to test the project through an evaluation instrument provided. The developer tested the whole system if bugs exist. If bugs are present, the developer fixed it and makes another test until there’s no trace of errors. After the developer test the system, he asked at least seven (7) IT students to test the system because they have knowledge in this field, at least seven (7) individuals which has a course outside or not related to information technology to ensure its simplicity and understandability. One (1) Head Librarian, one (1) Department of Education official in Gapan and two (2) Assistant Librarian because they were the one who used the system and to get suggestions to improve system functionalities. The evaluation instrument was used to determine what to change and what to add on the system. Lastly, two (2) member of IEAT faculty assessed the whole system and determined the system’s performance. The Head Librarian from the Library Hub, Department of Education official and the proponent from IEAT faculty used the administrator account to evaluate the system; the assistant librarian used the intended account for them which will be the Administrator 2. And the other respondent used the user/borrower account. In short, twenty (20) respondents are asked to test and assess the system. Evaluation instrument guided/helped the proponent to test the whole system. This helped a lot to evaluate the system for Library Hub. This was trial and error basis, when the respondent find errors/bugs on every question, it must fixed the errors first. The developer: 1. Set evaluation instrument and set the units used in the system evaluation and testing. The developer networked the units used. 2. Discussed first all the function of the system and all the information needed to use the system. 3. Actual demonstration on how to use the system by using its every single function. 4. Assist the respondent when they test and evaluate the system. 5. Asked every respondent for their suggestions to make the system perform it full potential. 6. Analysed every suggestions comment and then apply the one that will make the system better. After the system had been assess through the provided evaluation instruments, answers and suggestions have been summarized. Those useful comments and suggestions were applied. Through this evaluation the system performed its function to its full potential. After these changes, the developer ensured that the changes made are seen by the respondent to check if it is correct and satisfy them. Through the use of Evaluation Instrument to test and assess the system, data are collected data were analysed to interpret the result of the system evaluation. The evaluation of the system used three (3) sets of evaluation questionnaires that use the different account level which were the account of Head Librarian, Assistant Librarian and Borrowers that had been summarized to use in analysing the results.
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