Thursday, October 31, 2019
How institutional and cultural issues impact International HRM Essay
How institutional and cultural issues impact International HRM - Essay Example This essay will provide an analysis on the literature available on International Human Resource Management and how companies deal with the challenges of globalisation and of managing employees of different culture. International human resource management is an important emerging phenomenon in international business. There is a sudden growth of interest over this due to the rapid growth of industrialisation and globalisation. Globalisation has revolutionized the way organisations function; it has been enhanced by continuous technological advancement, the Internet and Information Technology. Organisations have to expand both as an organisation and as a business. Businesses, which have been internationalized because of intense globalisation, have to introduce more new products and services. Competition dictates these companies to be always changing and innovative. The importance of borders between different countries is reduced, and similar events and phenomena in countries throughout t he world are more easily linked. The identities of cross-border structures are strengthened, and the power of organisations operating only within the nation state is weakened. International human resource management has its origin in the 1980s, as a reaction against the more functional approach embodied in personnel management. McKern stated that during the early years of the post-war development of the modern international corporation, organisational structures evolved slowly in response to geographical and market diversity. It was easy for management to change structures incrementally. But now changes in the organisation are based on complex environmental factors. International HRM was born. Guest (1990 as cited in Cray and Mallory, 1998) says that ‘the apparent novelty of HRM lies in the claim that by making full use of its human resources a firm will gain competitive advantage’. HRM Paradigms Human resource management is the strategic and coherent approach to the ma nagement of an organisation’s most valued asset – the people. Due to the emergence of various forces in globalisation, organisations and businesses have become global as a result of technological innovations, and the introduction of more development in communications and transportation. There are two paradigms focusing on HRM. The universalist paradigm, which is dominant in the United States and widely used elsewhere, assumes that the purpose of the study of HRM is to improve the way human resources are managed strategically within organisations (Harris et al., 2003). In contrast, the contextual paradigm searches for an overall understanding of what is contextually unique and why. Many management researchers find the universalist paradigm ironically excluding much of the work of HR specialists in such areas as compliance, equal opportunities, trade union relationships and dealing with local government. This paradigm is not helpful in regions like Europe, where signific ant HR legislation and policy is enacted at European Union level (e.g. freedom of movement, employment and remuneration, equal treatment) as well as those of particular countries or sectors (Brewster et al, 1996, qtd. in Harris et al, 2003). HRM is now considered the determinant factor in the success or failure of international business. The success of global business depends most importantly on the quality of management in an organisation. There is a shortage of international management talent that constrains implementation of global strategies (Scullion and Paauwe, 2004). There is a lot of challenge placed on the manager in managing an organisation of different culture. Along this line of thought is the concept on comparative human resource mana
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Sleeping beauty and the enchanted Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Sleeping beauty and the enchanted - Essay Example On the other hand, this paper posits that with regard to the way the two heroines faced life and their problems, in 'Sleeping Beauty' Aurora was more a passive character whose fate was decided by the protection of the people who love her and the contrasting evil intentions of the witch Maleficent, whereas in 'Enchanted' Giselle, though thrust into a modern world against her will and in a passive sense as well, was an active participant in the shaping of her future and destiny. The paper develops this latter comparison and contrast of the passive versus active engagement of the world as represented by Aurora and Giselle respectively (IMDb; IMDb (b)). II. Discussion There is a way to view 'Enchanted' as a modern version of 'Sleeping Beauty'. For one, both heroines in the two movies, Aurora and Giselle, were pursued by witches and both were the subject of assassination attempts by those witches. In 'Sleeping Beauty' the witch is Maleficent, who cursed Aurora to die on her 16th birthday by through a prick on the Princess' finger. In 'Enchanted' on the other hand Narissa wished to kill Giselle through the poisoned apples that she asked Nathaniel to give to the young princess. In the end the two witches would turn into dragons to try and slay the princes and prevent the heroines to be with the men that they love. Both are pure in heart and innocent too. In 'Enchanted' we see that Giselle had a pure heart, demonstrated by her total lack of concern for money, the purity of her belief in true love, the way she was able to command the rodents and the vermin of New York, and her genuine concern for the couple whose divorce Robert was overseeing. Her positive effect on the couples separating, as well as her positive effect on Morgan and Robert, also testify to Giselle's good vibes and pure spirit and intentions. Meanwhile, In 'Sleeping Beauty' we see Aurora also growing up under the shelter of the three good fairies who tried to protect her, and the purity of her person ca n be gleaned from the way he was able to identify the love of her life Phillip from just one meeting. Then too we see the purity of their persons and their hearts from the way they were awoken from their sleep and freed from the evil spells of the witches that pursued them, by the kiss of their true love. There is something pure and potent about this love, that corresponded with the love and the purity that was in the two heroines as well. Love was the lock that was required to wake up the love that was found in them as well. The correspondence spoke of what was in the hearts of the two heroines. Indeed, except for some minor changes in the plot, such as Giselle ending up in New York instead of the woods, and of having the father and daughter pair of Robert and Morgan for company instead of the three fairies of Aurora, one can say that the lives and the way the stories unfolded for the two heroines share many very similar threads, highlights and milestones. The two also would end up happily ever after in the end, with Aurora in the company of the love of his life and the person who saved her from the sleep, and Giselle in the company of Robert and Morgan (IMDb; IMDb (b)). On the other hand, there are differences too in the lives and the general nature of the
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Making Sense of Facts and Theories
Making Sense of Facts and Theories Facts are needed to establish theories but theories are needed to make sense of facts. Discuss this statement with reference to two areas of knowledge. Facts are things believed to be true. There are different types of facts that can be distinguished, real facts and said facts. Real facts are those that are always true like not being able to walk through walls and said facts are just plain statements which declare something as a fact but can be either true or false. One needs to be careful when declaring a fact because declaring makes it a said fact. Facts themselves need no declaration, not even in a theory, said facts if true, are made true by facts. Theories, on the other hand, can be made up of facts or can be used to explain them. Theories do not depend on facts but their truth does. This had led me to explore the following knowledge question: how are facts needed to establish theories? While looking at history and natural sciences, we will see that facts are usually necessary to be able to come up with a theory. I will be exploring my knowledge question by looking at reason and language as the ways of knowing and natural scien ces and history as the areas of knowledge. In the area of knowledge of natural sciences, facts are needed to establish theories. Sciences rely on the scientific method which involves doing background research looking at previously known real facts -, constructing a hypothesis based on the facts obtained from the background research and testing it doing an experiment which is based on observation. During the observation process, one realises real facts, those that do not need to be declared because they are demonstrated through the experiment. Therefore, once a series of facts are compiled, a theory can be established explaining those facts. The theory would not be able to be reliable if it did not have facts that made it a true theory. One decides if a fact is indeed a true fact by using reason which is what allows us to form a logical argument from the observations made. Also, language helps to portray the facts and compile them into a theory since if there were no language, we would not be able to establish theories from a ny real facts since there would not be a way to transmit or communicate them. Theories need to be tested and they must be able to be replicated by following the original process that was done to establish the theory, so in order for it to be explained or replicated, it needs the assistance of language and reason to communicate the theory and evaluate if it is logical, respectively. A real life example is when we tested Newtons theories of motion in my physics class by doing an experiment with toy cars looking at inertia and impulse, we had access to the facts that made up those theories and hence, we were able to put it into practice and see how they behave. However, it is possible that give access to the same facts, different theories may result. This is perhaps because the facts were not necessarily true because they could have been said facts, just plain statements declaring something as a fact but can be false (as well as true) or because they did not encounter any exceptions through the method they used in their investigation if they did not try in different situations. If they were said facts, then the researchers, most likely, did not follow the scientific method and simply derived a theory from an assumption for a specific hypothesis. Since all theories are subjected to at least one exception, they might not be a hundred per cent true because the same theory does not apply to every possible situation that may affect the outcome. An example of this in the natural sciences is on the laws of gases which only apply if the temperature is kept constant. But then again, the temperature having to be kept constant may be a key fact part o f the theory. It was previously mentioned that reason is needed to make sense of the facts obtained. Reasoning methods may vary from a researcher to another which is why some theories are created but are reviewed after a few years because they did not put the facts together in a more logical manner. An example of this is Newtons Universe theory in which he stated that the universe is infinite and static and contains and infinite number of stars equally dispersed however, it was many years later discovered by Olber that if there was an infinite number of stars equally dispersed then, the night would not exist since the universe would be bright in all directions at all times. However, how is it possible to tell if one theory is really true since they are occasionally subjected to sudden changes due to further research and more accessibility to facts into the field? Can we then believe all of the theories we are presented with? Language also has an important role to play since it can b e interpreted differently by different researchers and also, when it is translated into other languages to make it accessible for other individuals, some of the sense might be lost and might stop being a true theory composed of true facts. It is therefore clear that facts are needed to establish theories in the area of knowledge of natural sciences but often, the theories might be subjected to changes due to further facts being discovered. In History, facts are needed to establish theories too. History needs to look at the facts as the evidence obtained from wars and past events to then evaluate and create a theory on what have been the motifs behind that specific event. This is a more controversial area of knowledge because even though we are all presented with the same facts, they can be put into a theory in different ways regarding to the individuals beliefs or background. Given access to the facts about a war, the theory resulting might differ from one person to the other depending if the person is from a country that was more affected by it or not. A real-life example is the Spanish Holy Inquisition in which Isabella I of Castile and Ferdinand II of Aragon forced everyone in their kingdom to be Catholics and executed those who refused to convert. From an open-minded point of view it seems clear that religion cannot be enforced on people. However, I have come across many strong Catholics who believe that the Spanis h Inquisition was a good thing to enforce good values onto people and that they even made them a favour helping them to get into heaven. Different people reason the facts in different ways and this is why extremely opposite theories for the same event are established. Also, these facts rely just on language found in manuscripts and stories passed down since none of us was alive at that time and hence, we cannot be sure if these facts are indeed true or if they have been subjected to any sort of manipulation. It is important to know about how facts are needed to establish theories because they are the smaller bits of information we can obtain and make sense of to arrange them into theories. It is necessary to know that even though theories may seem to be true, they can still be subjected to changes once more research is done and more facts are discovered due to perhaps using a different way of reasoning or following a different investigation method. Additionally, different theories might result from the same facts due to someones beliefs or background and are therefore not always reliable but still, facts are needed to establish a theory, whether it is true or not.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Platos The Republic and Aristophanes The Birds Essay -- Plato Republi
Plato's The Republic and Aristophanes The Birds      It is evident, by Plato's The Republic and Aristophanes The Bird's, that one's vision of an ideal state is not the same mystical utopia. Plato's Republic is an well-ordered society that emphasizes the development of the community, which leads to its people believing in this philosophy. Cloudcuckooland, the idea of two lazy Athenians, is an unorganized society that lacks the substance to make it a workable society. I would much rather live in the organized Republic to the unorganized Cloudcuckooland.           The underlying philosophy of the Republic was based on the community and not the individual. There are three classes in The Republic, one no more important than the other. They are the Rulers, Auxiliaries or soldiers, and the rest of the people, such as Merchants, Carpenters, and Laborers. What I especially like, is that the class one belongs to doesn't have to do with the class of your parents, but more with what your aptitudes are. This allows people to do what they are good at which usually translates into people being more productive for the community. To keep this ordered, Plato has set up the Myth of the Metals. The Myth of the Metals states that when people are created they have one of four different types of metals in them. A person who has gold in them is destined to become a Ruler, a person who has silver in them is destined to become an auxiliary, and a person who has iron or bronze in them is destined to become a farmer or another worker. It also adds though that just because one's parents are both made up of iron doesn't mean that their children will be made up of iron, they could turn out to be Rulers with gold in them. This myth is important in keeping the society organized because it gives everyone a role in society, keeps them in place in that role, and lays out the hierarchy of the society. Another way Plato has set up a more productive society, is to get every able bodied person to work, which includes woman. Woman are treated the same as men and go through the same education processes. Plato realizes that men and woman are the same except for a few different organs, so it makes perfectly good sense for them to be working also. Plato's plans for a more productive society go deeper then just getting more people to work, he wants to breed better citizens. To do this, Rulers o... to put any form of these things into their 'society';. With out these things there can be no order in a society because these are things that help keep an ordered society. Without any form of law system one has no need to abide by morals that are considered to pertain to a civilized society. Also with out any form of organized politics Pisthetairos, the ruler of this 'society';, is free to do what ever he wants. This sets up a huge potential for him to become corrupt, as he eventually does, and make Cloudcuckooland a hell. Pisthetairos also has no idea what will happen to Cloudcuckooland if he dies, and I doubt that he cares what would happen. He is content on just making things up as he goes along which is a ticking time bomb. Eventually this 'society'; will fall into the ground because of its lack of order, so for me it was no hard choice to choose the society that is workable over the 'society'; that is destined to crumble.      The Republic is a workable, ordered society in which everyone works towards the good of the community. Cloudcuckooland on the other hand, is destined to become a failed society, because it is the creation of a man who's only interest is himself.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Music in Civil Rights Essay
How did musicians influence the civil rights movement? During the Civil Rights movement of the mid-twentieth century, music was used to spread word of equality and respect in America. Jazz, rock & roll, blues, gospel & reggae music were among the prominent genres of music during this time. With music, African-American artists like Little Richard, Aretha Franklin, and Bob Marley wanted to present positive and uplifting messages to the country that was full of hatred for other people. African Americans also wanted to raise self-confidence of those who were affected by these acts of hate and violence. The music stylings of Jazz and its counterpart Blues played important rolls for music during the Civil Rights Movement. Since the majority of Jazz and Blues singers were black, this music was frowned upon among white southerners. However, it did bring awareness to the mistreatment of Blacks. In the song, â€Å"Strange Fruit†by Billie Holiday, a euphemism is used to represent the bodies of minorities hanging from trees in the south. Jazz music of the twentieth century is known to be told in the stories of the struggle of blacks and others. Along with Jazz and Blues, Gospel and Soul music played a large role in civil rights. Originating from the songs that slaves sang before they were freed, soul and gospel music used religious lyrics to help the nonviolent protest. Similar to jazz and blues, soul and gospel was not likened by many white people as it was primarily performed by black people. One of the most famous black soul singers of all time was Aretha Franklin. She was a key symbol of the advancement of black people, lending her talents to the civil rights cause. She supported Dr. Martin Luther King, as she was close with him and sang at his funeral. This shows her determination for the efforts of the struggle of blacks. A commonly overlooked genre of music which supported civil rights was reggae. It brought up the concept of coming together as one. The artist, Bob Marley was and still is the most known reggae-artist of all time ad his song â€Å"Get Up, Stand Up for Your Rights†showed a message of coming together, despite their skin color or religion. Music written by blacks during the Civil Rights Movement was a large factor in the upbringing of minorities in America. Those who listened to the music were motivated by the lyrics and a message of peace and love among people. This shows that these kinds of music are big parts of the way people think and was powerful enough to strengthen our nation.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Human and Hazlitt Essay
Prompt: Read the following excerpt from William Hazlitt’s Lectures on the English Comic Writers (1819). Then write a well-developed essay analyzing the author’s purpose by examining tone, point of view, and stylistic devices. William Hazlitt’s purpose in writing this passage was to enlighten the reasons of why with so much tragedy and despair around us we are still able to feel happiness or laugh at a poorly told joke. Hazlitt’s tone is a mixture of condescending and explanation. The passage is written to explain our faults and why we at times express or feel stronger emotions for events, or actions that have some humor. However, at the same time, there is an event or action that is very sad that the emotions produced should be greater, although, they are not. In sight of something of great remorse, we will laugh at something insignificant before we would express remorse. Hazlitt patronizes people in general for laughing at nothing, and for not crying at something tragic. We as humans have the capacity to feel and express strong emotions, both positive and negative, yet we only express the positive emotions, or only allow ourselves to feel the positive emotions. William Hazlitt writes from a neutral point of view, however it is an un-biased neutral point of view. Hazlitt writes as if he is excluded from the human race, as if he is just an observer. It sounds like he removed him-self in order to describe what he saw and observed how people express emotion. By writing the passage from this perspective, he gives the reader the impression that they may be able to achieve a plateau that would allow them to fully feel emotions in a pure manner. Hazlitt’s stylistic devices are clearly recognized and unique, throughout the entire passage he uses hyperbole and overstatement in order to emphasize what he feels. Hazlitt’s purpose was to clearly explain to the reader the oddity of human emotions. To achieve this Hazlitt uses repitition; he repeats the main ideas repeatedly to ensure that the reader will understand his point. In addition to this, Hazlitt also uses a punctuation mark that is rarely seen in lectures today; the exclamation mark. In using this mark he ads more spice to his writing, it increases the subject’s importance. He persuades the reader that this is a serious subject, and could be the downfall of morality in society. In conclusion, to get his point across Hazlitt uses many different rhetorical strategies in order. The stylistic device he uses makes the readers feel inferior, and in order for them to better themselves, they must recognize their own faults. Hazlitt uses many techniques to inform the reader of the chaotic way in, which a person feels, and expresses emotions.
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